10 helpful hacks to make your baby’s bath time easier

Posted in Care.

Let’s face it. Bathing a newborn is not for the faint hearted. Gulp. Couple a tiny, wriggly, slippery little person with the frayed nerves of a new parent and the degree of difficulty is cranked WAY up.

Don’t worry though, because these helpful tips will ensure you can wade confidently into the water with your (possibly cross and shivering) baby – and things will be much more drama-free! 

9. Sponge baths for the win

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If you're pushed for time, or finding the idea of a full-blown bath a little overwhelming a less exposing sponge bath can keep things tidy in between regular bath times.

Your favourite gentle baby bath products, warm water and a sponge or washcloth are all you need. Then just sponge your baby down bit by bit and dry off as you go.


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