
The 10 Minutes Every Child Needs

The 10 Minutes Every Child Needs: Essential for Every Child’s Growth

Want to raise happy, emotionally mature children?
A clinical psychologist says that regular positive reinforcement, honest emotional connection, and finding moments for repair when emotions are sour are key.
He writes in Psychology Today that “Children can learn valuable lessons from moments of restoration.” Children learn that even though it’s not easy, they can repair moments of sadness, anxiety, and anger. It is important to remember that disappointments are not disasters and bad feelings don’t last forever. “Moments of repair can also reduce stress hormones, and other physiological processes related to stress, which, when prolonged, damage children’s emotional and physical health.”
Finding time to enjoy these moments can be difficult in a busy family environment. This makes research projects even more attractive.

Child Needs
Child Needs

Check-in at Bedtime

He continues to say that ten minutes can yield great results, and bedtime is a time to relax and unwind and to work out any tensions from the day.
He said that we should ask children if they have anything to say in these short daily conversations. Perhaps she wants to talk about a problem at school, a disagreement with her friends, or something that makes her angry.
You can’t go to bed at a certain time? You may have a lot of children to take care of, or you might work at night. No problem.

According to neuroscientists, connecting with your child in small amounts throughout the day for nine minutes will yield the same results.

  • After they wake up, give them three minutes to get ready.
  • When you or they come home, wait three minutes after entering the house.
  • Before they go to bed, spend three minutes cuddling with them.

These times are ideal because your child will be bouncing between various aspects of his or her day. This makes them more receptive.
We can do the following to make this time special for you:

  • Spend time reading, singing, softly talking, or cuddling with your pre-lingual baby.
  • Ask open-ended questions to older children and encourage them to use “feeling” words when they respond.

Filling up their Emotional Cup Throughout the Day

These small top-ups can help them through the day. You will be their emotional root, a place where they feel comfort and stability no matter what.
He believes that it is important for parents to use these moments to talk about their day and, most importantly, to apologize to their children if they are being cranky. This shows our kids that there is always a place to discuss negative events and to move forward.
When there is conflict between us and our children, it’s important to lead by example. For instance, we can say: “I know I got angry with you earlier. Perhaps I got too mad.” “
He explains that “in these moments, children start to develop a less ‘all or nothing’ perspective on disappointments and frustrations they experience in life.” “As they do, they’ll be able to think more constructively and less insistently about their emotional problems. “

Ten Things to Do with Your Child in 10 Minutes

Eat. Sleep. Work. Run errands. Spend time with your family. Repeat.

It can be difficult to balance everything on your plate as a parent. It’s common to feel guilty about not doing enough for your children.

Remember: There is no perfect parent. You can connect with your child in a way that gives them the attention, love, and care they need.

An expert in early childhood education, says that “connecting” means sharing moments of affection and nurturing throughout the day. To cuddle, kiss and hug them. “To read a book, play a video game, watch the kids play, or let them do laundry or cook.”

These everyday moments can be used to learn.

Do not underestimate the impact of spending just 10 minutes with your baby to help them develop, strengthen your relationship, and show your love.

Parents Children Family Healthy Eating Salad Table
Parents Children Family Healthy Eating Salad Table

Here are 10 Ways to Spend 10 Minutes with Your Child.

1. Read More

Read aloud a book to your child. By being expressive and using different voices, you can invite them to join in the story. Have fun pointing out the illustrations. By reading to children you can help them learn new vocabulary that they may not have heard in their everyday conversations.

2. Play

Even something as simple as playing peek-a-boo or making funny faces with your child can help them use their imagination and senses. Children learn by playing. It helps them to feel loved, safe, and secure.

3. Take a Stroll

Getting some fresh air is a wonderful activity to do with your child. You can walk up and down your block or around the backyard. While you are walking, talk about trees, bushes, and cars with your child.

4. Speak With Them

You can talk to your child even before they can form words. It’s true! Even before they can speak, babies communicate with facial expressions and sounds. Respond to your baby’s sounds or babbles with words. Conversations back and forth with your baby help them develop language. Take 10 minutes and ask your toddler or preschooler some fun questions. Listen, respond, and have fun!

5. Sing

When adults sing to their children, they are delighted. Your child will love hearing you sing, whether you have an angelic voice or just make the best noise possible. Your child will also learn new words and the language. Smiling at your child, invite him to join you in singing as you sing. Enjoy these moments of connection by making eye contact.

6. Snuggle

Children love to be in their parent’s arms. Allow your child to snuggle up next to you, wherever you may be. Snuggling helps to strengthen the parent-child relationship and helps your child form a secure attachment.

7. Connect the Mirror

Mirror play is a great way to teach your child! Playing with mirrors is a great way to engage children, especially babies. Mirror play helps develop their self-esteem and their visual senses. Hold your child, get a mirror, and start playing with them – make funny faces, laugh, and talk.

8. Create

Children are creative. You can encourage their creativity by doing age-appropriate arts and crafts. And you will also enjoy yourself. Invite toddlers to draw using crayons, colored pencils, or markers that are suitable for children. You can create food art (think of smiley faces), and then eat them afterwards. You can make your book cover.

9. Exercise

Exercise for children is different than for adults. However, they still need to be active. Tummy Time helps babies to strengthen their large muscles. It also lays the groundwork for important milestones such as rolling over, holding their head and their body up, and finally walking. Toddlers, preschoolers, and infants enjoy running and scooting around. You can encourage your child to exercise at any age by having them run to you or crawl to you.

10. Laughter

Somebody once said laughter is good for your soul. Both parents and children will agree that laughter is good for the soul. There is no single way to make your child laugh or bring laughter into your home. Follow your child’s lead. Play if they want to. If they want to peek-a-boo, then play peek-a-boo. Enjoy yourself and laugh with your child as you create everyday memories.

Ten minutes Can Impact Your Child’s Entire Day.

You’re trying to cook dinner, fold laundry, and make a call at the same time, but your child is having a meltdown. You need to bring them a snack or help them with something. They want to play.

It’s natural to feel as if you need to multitask and be busy at all times to get your list done. Do you notice that your child’s behavior changes when you are distracted? Perhaps they are more prone to tantrums or frustration?

What if you were told that you could make a HUGE difference in the way your day will go for you and your child by doing a small thing right now?

This small task is easy for anyone to do. There is no need for supplies or crafting. You and your child only need 10 minutes.

How to Spend 10 Minutes of Connection with Your Child

To spend 10 minutes with your children, you must first set aside 10 minutes. You can schedule these 10 minutes each day in your calendar. You may not have time to do this, but it is worth the effort. You will benefit from these few minutes all day.

Put your phone down for 10 minutes. Turn off ALL notifications on your tablet and computer.

Children Helping Parents With Household Chores In Kitchen
Children Helping Parents With Household Chores In Kitchen

STOP Multitasking. Set a 10-Minute Timer and Sit With Your Child.

Recognize how distracted you have been. Recognize that your schedule is just for them.

Tell them you will be theirs for the next 10 minutes. Tell them you won’t be checking your phone or answering a quick email.

Connect with your child the way you both feel most comfortable. You could do:

  • Read a book
  • Draw a picture
  • Wrestling
  • Building a Tower with Blocks
  • Singing some songs
  • Walking around the block for a few minutes
  • Conversation

Eight Things That Kids Need to Thrive

  1. The Security of Your Own Home
    Children must be safe, and their basic needs met, including shelter, food and clothing, medical attention, and protection from harm.
  2. Stability
    Family and community are the foundations of stability. It’s best if a family can remain together and maintain a stable home, but if that is not possible it’s vital to minimize disruptions in the child’s daily life. Children and families should form larger groups to foster a sense of belonging, traditions, and cultural continuity.
  3. Consistency
    No “good cop/bad cop.” Parents should ensure that they are consistent in their parenting and that important values remain constant.
  4. Supporting emotional wellbeing
    The words and actions of parents should be aimed at encouraging children to respect themselves, trust others, and ultimately become independent.
  5. Love
    You can almost always overcome any “parenting mistakes” by showing and saying you love your children. Show them that you love them, even when they have rebelled, disobeyed, or angered you.
  6. Education
    Make sure that your children receive the best education possible for their future. It includes not only the school but also the valuable life lessons that you teach your children during the time spent together.
  7. Positive role models
    Parents are the most important role models for their children. Instill your values in children and Teach them empathy By being the person you wish to see them become.
  8. Structure
    Children who are not taught boundaries and rules lose their respect for adults and adults.

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