Baby Health

Tummy Time Struggles

Tummy Time Struggles: Tips and Tricks to Help Your Baby Love It

Some babies love it! Some babies love it. Many babies dislike it. We all have to do this from time to time, so here are a few ideas for getting that baby’s belly on the ground.

Why is Tummy Time Important?

Experts agree that tummy time helps babies develop strength in their neck, head, and upper body. This helps babies reach developmental milestones such as rolling over, crawling, and sitting up.

Tummy time is important at every stage of a baby’s development. The strengthening of their upper body muscles will help them achieve important milestones such as rolling over, crawling, and sitting up. Tummy time is not only important for improving motor skills but also promotes sensory and visual development.

Your baby will become more aware of his body and surroundings as he tests his vision and hand-eye coordination. The baby will spend less time developing flat spots on their head if they spend more time on their tummy.

Tips for Grumpy Babies during Tummy Time
Tips for Grumpy Babies during Tummy Time

Why do some Babies Dislike it?

Many babies cry and fuss when placed on their stomachs. It makes sense because our babies spend less time on their stomachs. In the past, babies would often sleep on their stomachs. Now, we know that it is safer for them to sleep on their backs. In turn, this means that babies are spending more time facing up, as they find it uncomfortable to sleep face down. Lifting that tiny head is a lot of work. The tummy time baby workout is important for the overall development of your child.

How can I help my child get used to it?

Here are 7 ways to ease your baby’s transition into tummy time and hopefully make the experience a bit less painful for both of you.

1. Early Start

Don’t put it off. It is best to start a daily routine of tummy time as soon as possible after your baby’s birth. This will help you and the child become accustomed to it. In the beginning, you can start with short sessions of 1-2 minutes, repeated a few times daily. As your baby gains strength, you can increase the time to 10-15 minutes per day.

2. Have fun

Keep your baby entertained by placing toys, books, and other safe objects around them while they are on their stomachs. You can find a lot of play mats that are designed for this purpose; some even have lights and squeaky toys. A colourful blanket will do just as well.

3. Take them down

Try getting down on the floor with your child to keep him or her focused. You can read a story, play games, or do some yoga on the floor. Remember that your baby cannot see much on its tummy, as they do not have the strength to look. Just remind them that you are still with them.

4. Mirrors are useful for enhancing the appearance of your home.

Set up a mirror that won’t break so your child can see his or her reflection. Reflective toys are also a good idea. They’ll be thrilled to see another baby on the floor.

5. Mix it up

You likely have a favourite spot in your living room where you do tummy time. You can also try tummy time on a blanket outside, at a park, or a friend’s home. Continue to let your baby know that you are there by talking, tickling, or stroking his hands.

6. Try a belly-prop

A little extra support can be a game-changer for some parents. You could, for example, place a towel or pillow rolled up under the baby’s chest with his arms in front. You can even use your lap to give your baby more support.

7. Watch and listen

Keep an eye on your baby during tummy time. Soon, your baby will start to use their newly developed muscles. They’ll be shuffling and rolling their way towards more exciting things. You might be able to eliminate things that upset your baby by watching them. Maybe their socks are too slippery or the floor is too cold.

Remember to persevere and that the cries will fade once your baby gains strength and starts moving.

Baby Enjoying Her Tummy Time in a White Nursery
Baby Enjoying Her Tummy Time in a White Nursery

What is Tummy Time?

Tummy time is a time that your baby spends awake, supervised, and lying on his stomach. Tummy time requires the baby to work hard to lift their head, which is heavier than the rest of the body. This position strengthens the neck, shoulders, and back of the baby.

You can do tummy time on the floor with playtime items like mats and props or on your chest. Tummy time should be started as soon as your baby is born and continue until they can crawl on their own.

It’s possible to experience some fussing or crying even if you’ve tried several positions for tummy time. This is a common occurrence for both parents and carers. You and your baby can both enjoy tummy time more if you follow our tips and positions.

Tips for Tummy Time

You are not the only one who has felt frustrated by other babies’ tummy time. With a few helpful tips, your baby can feel happy and content during tummy time. Have you ever said, “My baby doesn’t enjoy tummy time?”? Have you tried to introduce it slowly or try a variety of positions for tummy time?

It’s possible that your baby is not used to the new position. This is especially true if you are still in the 2-month stage. The baby has spent so much of their time in the foetal and back positions that they are not used to this new position. Keep your baby engaged and praise their new accomplishments.

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Start slowly

The key to success is often to ease into tummy time gradually. Newborns will require a gradual introduction to tummy time. Start with small, short bursts. Even a few minutes a day of tummy time can help your baby get used to it.

Make eye contact and be present.

Use this time to bond with your child. Put your phone away and focus solely on your baby. Keep your baby’s attention by maintaining eye contact, making silly faces, and talking.

Toys for Tummy Time and Use of Toys

Keep your baby occupied to make them enjoy tummy time. You can keep your child entertained and happy on their stomach for longer periods by using toys that are safe for babies. Tummy time props give your baby extra support, helping them to feel more comfortable in the new position. Combine the toys with the tummy prop and our patented SlideLine System.

Try different positions

Try different positions when doing tummy time. You can change the position of the baby for tummy time to increase or decrease the gravity and therefore the difficulty the baby has in holding their head up. You may find that your baby prefers a particular position. In the next section, we’ll discuss three of our favourite tummy time positions.

Three positions to try for Tummy Time

Every baby will have a different way to position themselves for tummy time. The first position you try for tummytime might not work, but the second position might be a great success. If your baby is crying while doing tummy time, we encourage you to try the following options.

Don’t get discouraged if your first attempt fails. You may find that you have better luck if you try again a second or third time. Remember to always supervise your child, and that tummy time should never be used as a way of sleeping.

Adorable 6 Months Old Little Baby Boy During Tummy Time
Adorable 6 Months Old Little Baby Boy During Tummy Time

Chest to Chest

We love the tummy-to-tummy and chest-to-chest positions because they allow for a unique bonding experience between you and your child. This position can be done on the couch or floor, either lying flat or slightly elevated. The baby should be placed on your chest with their belly against your body. Their arms can also be tucked underneath their body to provide support. Praise your baby and make silly faces.

Learn how the baby wake window changes over time and when to best help your baby sleep.

Football or Tummy Down Carry

Standing up is the best way to use the tummy-down carry position. Imagine holding a ball with only one arm. Place your baby’s stomach against your forearm and hand, with the head at your elbow crease. You can also support your baby with the other paediatrician time. tummy time if you place it near its upper thigh.

Try walking, rocking, or playing with your hands. This position allows your baby to see things from a new perspective.

Lap Soothe

To do the lap soothe position for tummy time, sit on a comfortable couch or chair and place your baby’s stomach across your lap. You can experiment with the height of your leg to give more support to your baby. Try putting your finger on the bottom of the baby and gently pressing it. This will help them hold their head and neck up.

When to seek help

You should consult your paediatrician if your child is still having trouble lifting his or her head.

What happens if I don’t do any tummy time? It’s fine to stop tummy time for a short time if it causes you or your baby too much discomfort, but stopping completely can be detrimental to the development of your child. Consult your paediatrician to get professional advice on how to help your baby grow and develop at a healthy pace.

Boppy’s Tummy Time Play Mat and Prop will make Tummy Time more comfortable and enjoyable for your child.

Tummy time can be a crucial part of your baby’s growth. It allows them to build their upper and core muscles, which will then help them achieve important milestones such as crawling and sitting up. Your baby may hate tummy time at first, as they are still getting used to the new position. You will see that if you introduce tummy time gradually, engage your baby, and use props such as our tummy time pillow to support them, the process will become easier.

You can also learn what your baby prefers by trying out different positions. This will allow them to see their environment from a fresh perspective. When the weather is nice, try tummy time on the grass or on a mat to give your baby some texture and cushion.

Boppy products are designed to be safe and functional for you and your baby. We have a wide range of products for all your needs.

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