
Kids Stories About Their Past Lives

Have you ever been spooked by something your child said about a past life? You know, those moments when they casually mention things that seem beyond their years or things that don’t quite fit with their current life?

Sometimes, kids stories about their past lives and things they couldn’t possibly know are very intriguing, leaving us to wonder about the mysteries of reincarnation. Could it be a memory from another life?

Here are some fascinating stories of kids sharing their vivid recollections of past lives, offering intriguing glimpses into the world of reincarnation.

I had one such moment recently with my four-year-old. He turned to me and asked, “Hey, Mummy, remember when we were babies, and you and I were both the same size, and Granny used to be our mother?”

I was taken aback. I asked, “What?” but by then, he had already gotten distracted and was busy driving a toy train on its track, more interested in that than answering my question.

The whole thing left me feeling pretty stunned. But then, I remembered something else. A few years ago, my older son asked me a similar question. At the time, I brushed it off as just a random, innocent thought. But now, reflecting on both moments, I’m starting to think that maybe there’s something more to these stories.

My son had asked me, “Was I your mother?”

Yeah. A little eerie, right?

It got me thinking: Could children be remembering past lives? Are they more in touch with these memories before they fade away as they grow older?

This concept was reinforced when I came across a thread on Bored Panda where parents shared chilling stories of things their children said that made them question the idea of reincarnation. Here are a few that stood out to me and might make you wonder, too:

1. “You Don’t Even Have a Sibling, Did You?”

One commenter shared a particularly unsettling moment with their child. While walking past an old cemetery, their 3-year-old casually said, “My brother is in there.”

When the parent told them they didn’t have a sibling, the child replied, “No, Mama… from before. The other lady used to be my mother.”

I mean, what? That’s a pretty vivid memory for a toddler, isn’t it?

2. “Oh, There’s Another Mummy.”

One parent recalled their 4-year-old’s imaginary friend, “Buddy John.” The child had been referring to this friend for some time but recently said something that made the parent’s blood run cold: “Big John told me he loved you.”

Now, here’s the twist: “Big John” was the child’s grandfather, who had passed away when the parent was just six years old. The child had never met him, and the parents never referred to him as “Big John.” So how could this little one know that?

Kids Stories About Their Past Lives
Kids Stories About Their Past Lives

3. “Potato Life.”

This one’s sweet… and strange. A parent recalled talking to their son about growing potatoes when he was young. He listened, then said something curious: “Yes, it’s true, riding a bicycle is similar to growing potatoes, Mum. You never forget.”

The connection between potatoes and bicycles wasn’t clear, but it’s a story that stuck with the parent—almost as if the child had remembered something from a past life, something as mundane as growing potatoes.

4. “I Died By Myself.”

This one gave me chills. A mother shared a memory of when her youngest daughter was around three years old. During a conversation, the little girl casually mentioned, “I died by myself.” When the mother asked her to explain, the daughter said:

“Not when you were my mommy, but when I lived with my previous mommy. She and I both had brown skin. I was bitten by a spider and died on my own.”

To make things even more unsettling, the girl now 13 years old is terrified of spiders.

I don’t blame her!

5. Casual Memories from Another Life

What’s fascinating about these past-life memories is how casual the children are when they mention them. It’s as if they’re simply recalling a distant, ordinary memory, no big deal. One parent shared that after getting their two-and-a-half-year-old daughter out of the bath, they talked about the importance of hygiene. The daughter responded, “Oh, no one’s croofs me there.”

Confused, the parent pressed further, and the child continued, “They tried it one night. They tried to kick the door open, but I fought them off. I died, and I’m now here.”

What kind of memory is that for a toddler to have?

Father Talking to His Children
Father Talking to His Children

6. “I Hope I Don’t Go to Heaven Again.”

Here’s another unnerving story: A parent’s five-year-old son once asked, “When will I be 23?” The parent answered, “In 18 years.” The child then responded, “Well, I hope I don’t go to heaven again because that’s the age I was last time I died.”

Eek! That gave me goosebumps.

7. The Other Family

This one takes the cake. A six-year-old burst into the house one day, tears streaming down her face. She said, “I miss my family.” The parent asked who she meant, assuming it was someone like a grandparent or friend. But the little girl continued:

“They lived in the sky with me before I came into your tummy. I chose you guys because I was angry at them, but now I miss them.”

Ummm, okay…

8. “I’m Your Granny.”

And finally, a story shared by a user about their sister, Hailey. Hailey was born two months after their great-grandmother Irene passed away. One day, Hailey woke up and announced, “It’s my 95th birthday!” When the family tried to reason with her, Hailey insisted, “My name is Irene. I’m your granny.”

The family was stunned. Hailey had never met Irene, but somehow, she remembered her. By the next morning, she had forgotten everything, as if it was just a fleeting moment in time.

Are These Just Kids’ Imagination… or Something More?

All these stories share one common thread: the children’s comments seem to be more than just fantasy or imagination. They speak about past lives with such certainty, as if these memories are something they’ve experienced before, not something they could have made up.

Of course, we can’t be sure if past lives are real, but these stories make you wonder. Whether they’re flashes of forgotten history or just the product of a child’s rich imagination, it’s important to listen to these stories before they fade away as children grow older and their memories of “another life” vanish.

What do you think? Could these little ones be tapping into memories of lives they’ve lived before, or is it all just a coincidence? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter—after all, who doesn’t love a good mystery?

Parents talk about the spooky past life memories their children have spoken about

1. His Life as a Cosmonaut

My son told his mother that the last time he grew up, he had been a cosmonaut. It’s not an astronaut but the Russian version. He had never heard of the word.

2. Chat with Grandma

Concerned, I went into my daughter’s bedroom when she was three and started to speak more clearly. No one was in the room. Initially, I thought she was playing with her toy. The same thing happened a few days later, but I asked her who she was speaking to. She replied, “Your grandmother.” I assumed she meant my mother, who had just passed away, so I showed her a picture of her. The reply was, “No, your grandma.” She smiled and said, “Yes, that’s her.” I was surprised because I didn’t have any pictures of my grandmother displayed. She died in 1991, and my daughter was born in 2015.

3. She used to know everything

My daughter (4-5) used to tell me how “cozy” and warm she felt in my womb but how “cold and scary” it was when she was born. The hardest part, she said, was that “she used to know everything,” but now “she doesn’t know anything.”

I would allow her to speak. Her frustration was almost palpable at being able “to remember everything.”

4. What Happened to the Twins?

This is what I was thinking. I’m 60 years old and never had biological children, but I am the proud grandpa of many wonderful children. (I was adopted) We have been together for 28 years, and her children are now having children. My granddaughter, who was about 4 years old at the time, asked her mother, “What happened to Pa Pa’s babies?” They were two, but now they are dead”

When I was between 13 and 14, my girlfriend got pregnant. There was an abortion. I never believed my girlfriend when she said that they were twins…but I never argued with her about it.

In my old age, I often think about this.

Explaining His Stories To His Dad
Explaining His Stories To His Dad

5. When I was an Adult…

My daughter would constantly say “Specs” when she was around 3 years old. This is so strange, why would a kid randomly start saying that? My wife then told me that her grandpa used to work at a company named “Specs.” The grandfather is dead and hasn’t been alive since my daughter’s birth. She would say to me things like, “When I used to be an adult, I used to do …”

6. My Old Mommy

The following conversation happened between my wife and our youngest when she was 3 or 4.

Daughter: “I remember my old mommy”

Wife: “Uh, what?”

Daughter: “Like I was born, and then I was cold. But then I woke up, and you were my new mommy,” and she laid her head on my wife.

My youngest was born with complications. She was intubated and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. So there’s that…

7. Will There Be More Bombs?

When I was about four, my family and I were moving house. We went to view this house in a rural village that was right by an airfield that had been very important during WW2, and there were still disused Anderson shelters in the garden and fields behind. The minute I saw them, I ran to my mum, clung to her arm, and asked, “Are there going to be more bombs?” and got agitated. Nobody ever spoke about the war; this was in the 90s, and we didn’t even have a TV. My mum was spooked by the whole thing.

8. From Dad to Child

Well, I’m not a parent, but I once told my mother, “I used to be your dad,” when I was a toddler. And if that’s not weird enough, he died about 9 months before I was born.

9. The Parents Before You

When my daughter was 3, she saw a large ship while we were on vacation at the beach and said, “That’s like the one my parents had before you died.” I said, “You had other parents before us?” She calmly went on to explain that I shouldn’t worry; they were her parents a long time before my husband, and I were, but the ship they were on broke apart, and they were still at the bottom of the ocean. She then said when her “before” parents died, she and her sister “Brinella” had to be separated because no one could take them both. She said her sister went to live in Australia, but she stayed in Ireland. We live in the U.S.

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