Baby Born with IUD Woven into Her Hair
Baby Born with IUD Woven into Her Hair: IUD in the baby’s hair:
Intrauterine devices are considered one of the best and most durable forms of birth control. IUDs are popular because of their high-performance rate (99% or more) and the fact that they can be used without worry. As with everything in life, there are no guarantees. The unexpected can happen. A rare and remarkable case recently caught the attention of social media: a baby born with an IUD in its hair. This unusual and extraordinary occurrence raised eyebrows and sparked discussions about birth control methods and their reliability as well as the unpredictable nature of life itself.
A Birth Like No Other
It all started with a simple photo posted by Cadesia on Facebook. What seemed to be an ordinary post about a new baby went viral, eliciting hundreds of thousands of reactions and comments. The picture showed a newborn that had been delivered by C-section. The IUD was attached to the baby’s scalp, which was still covered with vernix, a white waxy substance found on babies during pregnancy. The contraceptive device was twisted in the baby’s head. Foster’s caption said, “Look this. This baby has an IUD stuck on his head, like a bobby pin. “They said, ‘Use contraception!'”
This striking image captured the attention and admiration of thousands. The photo quickly went viral online, as it showed a rare and unexpected event. People from all over the world began asking questions and debating birth control’s effectiveness within hours.
Some women wrote, “OMG, that’s the contraception I use!” Others were shocked, saying “Nothing will stop this baby” and “I would have a heart attack if it happened to me!”
The image, despite the initial shock and outrage, sparked a discussion on social media about the possibility of something like this happening when IUDs were considered to be one of the most effective forms of contraception.
Understanding the High-Performer in Birth Control
What is an IUD?
You must understand how IUDs work and why they are widely used for birth control. IUDs are tiny, T-shaped devices that are inserted into the uterus. They prevent pregnancy. IUDs come in two main types: copper-based and hormone-based. Both create an environment within the uterus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg.
The Copper IUD
Copper IUDs such as Paragard are hormone-free, and they rely on copper’s properties to prevent pregnancy. Copper inside the IUD causes inflammation in the uterus, which is toxic for both sperm and eggs. Fertilization becomes nearly impossible. This type of IUD is effective for birth control for up to ten years.

The Hormonal Implantable Device
The hormonal IUDs, on the other hand, release a small quantity of progestin into the uterus. This hormone thickens cervical mucus which acts as barrier to prevent sperm from entering the uterus or reaching an egg. Hormonal IUDs may also change the lining of your uterus to make it unsuitable for pregnancy. The lifespan of hormonal IUDs varies depending on the brand. They can last from 3 to 8 years.
IUDs of both types are very effective, with a combined effectiveness of more than 99%. They have become popular as one of the best long-term birth control methods. Once inserted, the device is easy to maintain, allowing users to go about their day without having daily pills, injections or condoms. IUDs are often the first choice for women who want a reliable, no-fuss option.
Why did this happen? Exploring IUD Failure
Cadesia’s image raised the question: how could this have happened? Why would a woman choose one of the most effective birth control methods and then give birth to a child with the IUD still in place, even if it is in an unexpected location?
While the chances of failure are extremely low, they can still happen. It is unlikely that you will become pregnant using an IUD, but certain factors can make it more likely.
Improper Insertion
Improper placement is one of the main reasons IUDs fail. The IUD may not work as effectively to prevent pregnancy if it is not placed correctly in the uterus. A healthcare professional must perform the insertion to ensure the device is placed correctly.
IUD displacement
Although rare, IUDs can move after they have been inserted. This is especially true if there are physical changes in the uterus, like after childbirth. The device may migrate and become ineffective. This can lead to unwanted pregnancies, or as happened in this case, the IUD could be misplaced and become entangled with a baby’s fur.

An IUD is expelled when it leaves the uterus. This happens unnoticed and often in the first few weeks after the insertion. Expulsion of an IUD means that it is no longer a contraceptive device, and increases the chances of pregnancy.
Perforation of the Uterine Wall
This can happen in extremely rare situations, during or after the IUD insertion. The IUD can migrate from the uterus to other parts of the body causing pain and other complications.
In this case, the IUD may have either not worked properly or moved in a manner that caused it to become embedded in the hair of the baby during pregnancy. What was the result? The result?
Can you get pregnant while using an IUD?
Although it is rare, there are still chances of getting pregnant with an IUD. Less than 1% of women who use an IUD will become pregnant. The device is highly effective, but other factors can increase your chances of getting pregnant despite using it.
- IUD migration: The IUD may not be as effective in blocking sperm from reaching the egg if it shifts out of its proper position.
- IUD Dislodgement In the rare event that an IUD is dislodged or expelled, the body cannot rely on the IUD as a contraception.
- Incorrect Insertion If the device is not placed properly, or outside the uterus, it will be less effective and allow pregnancy to occur.
It’s rare for IUDs to cause pregnancy, but it is always best to speak with a doctor if there are any unusual symptoms, like pain, discomfort or signs that your IUD may have moved.
What Happens if You Get Pregnant with an IUD
The situation is more complex for women who fall pregnant while wearing an IUD. It’s important to contact a doctor immediately if you suspect that this is happening.
The use of an IUD during pregnancy can cause several complications.
- Miscarriage The IUD may increase the risk of a miscarriage if not removed before the end of pregnancy.
- Ectopic pregnancy: The risk of ectopic pregnancies is also increased when the embryo implants outside of the uterus. This usually occurs in the fallopian tube.
- Infection If the IUD has not been removed promptly, the chances of infection can be increased, which could harm both mother and child.
Most healthcare providers recommend that the IUD be removed as soon as a pregnancy is detected. However, in some cases, it can remain in place as long as there are no complications.

Social media and the rise of IUD conversations
Social media is a great way to share experiences, raise awareness and discuss everything from the ordinary to the extraordinary. The viral photo Cadesia’s baby led to a wide range of conversations on the reliability of IUDs and the sometimes humorous (but often bizarre) moments of life.
The rise of social networks has made people more comfortable discussing their experiences with birth control and reproductive issues. Women have used platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Facebook to discuss their experiences with birth control and reproductive health.
In 2017, a similar incident went viral after a mother shared a picture of her baby holding her IUD. This sparked widespread discussion. This story and others help break the silence surrounding reproductive health by shedding light on the serious as well as funny side of pregnancy, birth control and childbirth.
Life can be unpredictable
The story of the baby who was born with an IUD in its hair is a reminder that life can still throw us curveballs, even when we use the most effective contraceptive method. IUDs may be one of the most effective forms of birth control, but the unpredictable nature human of biology must also be taken into consideration.
The viral photo of a newborn wearing an IUD as a “hair accessory” highlights occurrences that are rare and encourages frank discussion about reproductive health, birth control, and the unexpected. Sometimes, life takes us on unexpected journeys. One of those journeys is an IUD weaved into the hair of a newborn.
This story is both a warning and a funny moment of surprise. This story reminds us of the fact that there is no foolproof solution to anything in life. Not even birth control. While we continue to rely upon science and medical advances, we recognise that things do not always go as planned. We must learn to accept the unexpected and laugh it off.
This unexpected birth is a reminder that life’s miracle is as unpredictable and beautiful as it is unpredictable. No matter what happens, no one is left out.

It is striking to see how life can be unpredictable, even when you think that everything is under control. The story also highlights the complexity of reproductive health by highlighting the fact that even the most reliable methods of contraception, such as IUDs are not foolproof. This is a rare occurrence, but it has drawn attention to the risks and limitations associated with birth control methods. It also added a bit of humour to a serious discussion on reproductive health.
This story is not just about an IUD. It’s also about the unpredictable nature of life, women’s resilience, and our shared journey to navigate our health and well-being. No matter what the topic is, whether it’s contraception, childbirth or something else, this story reminds us that life can surprise us no matter how well we plan.
While we laugh and tell stories about birth control moments that are unexpected, like the one in Cadesia’s photo, remember that these moments teach us to be flexible and accept the unexpected. It’s because, at the end of the day, it is the unexpected that shapes our stories and makes us appreciate the beauty within the chaos.