
15 Things That Are Off-Limits After Becoming a Mum

15 Things That Are Off-Limits After Becoming a Mum

Being a mother is a life-changing experience. When your baby arrives, you’ll find that your priorities change, your routines alter, and many things which once seemed second nature will disappear. Don’t fret–while certain things may be off-limits, you will gain much more. Let’s have a fun look at 15 things you will likely lose once you become a mother. Some of these things might be missed. Others? Some of these might be missed, others? They’ll hold a special spot in our hearts.

  1. Staying Up All Night
    Do you remember the days when you would go out and party with your friends all night long?
     The idea of “staying up late” has changed. The nights are usually less fun than they used to be, as you’re more likely to have to comfort a baby crying or take care of a sick child. All-nighters are no longer planned, but instead you’re up all night changing diapers and feeding your baby. You’re usually greeted by a toddler that’s ready to play the next day. Oh, the joys and challenges of motherhood.

    Off-Limits After Becoming A Mum
    Off-Limits After Becoming A Mum
  2. Wearing high heels just for fun
    Once, you could wear high heels without thinking twice.
     Flats, sneakers or comfortable shoes are the go-to option unless you have a special event, such as a wedding or fancy dinner. Stilettos are not the best choice for running after a child or picking up toys from the floor.

  3. An Impromptu Weekend Away
    The days of a spontaneous getaway are over.
     Even the simplest trips require extensive planning when you have kids with you. It’s no longer enough to grab your bags and hit the road at a moment’s notice. You’ll need to make sure you’ve got enough snacks, diapers and clothes for the trip, as well as, let’s face it, emotional stamina. This weekend getaway has become a planned family trip (with lots of preparation).

  4. A Full Day Without Yawing
    Before having children, you may have been proud of your ability to get through the day without a nap.
     Yawning is now a reflex. Even if your sleep was decent, you are still susceptible to a mid-afternoon crash, especially if you have been chasing around your child all day. Sleep-deprived moms are real.

  5. Excessive daytime drinking
    Ahh, those carefree afternoon cocktails and long brunches are a distant memory when you become a mother.
     When you have a baby, a daytime drinker’s hangover is something you cannot afford. It’s a nightmare to be hungover while a child is around. Nobody wants to sacrifice time with their baby or toddler to sleep off a headache. Water, coffee and the occasional glass of wine are all good after bedtime.

  6. Relaxing on the Beach Do you remember those idyllic beach days when you could simply lay out and read a good book while soaking up the sun? That’s not your reality anymore. Going to the beach now involves building sandcastles, chasing away your toddler from the edge of the water, applying sunscreen every 5 minutes, and making sure they don’t swallow handfuls of sand. Relaxation? Relaxation?

  7. Baking and Cooking Recipes With More Than Ten Ingredients
    Previously, you enjoyed creating elaborate meals.
     The thought of having to search for 20 different ingredients in the grocery store seems impossible. You’re out if a recipe calls for more than 10 ingredients. You’ve become a fan of simple, easy, and quick meals that you can prepare in less than 30 minutes. Who has the time to cook fancy meals when a toddler is demanding your attention?

  8. Watching a Movie after 10 pm
    Do you remember those nights where you could watch a movie from 10 pm to the end?
     If you begin a film after 10 p.m., you are almost guaranteed to fall asleep halfway through. You can’t get past the opening credits because your kids are waking you up early. Sleeping is more appealing than late-night Netflix. 

  9. How to Watch a Family Movie without Having To Pause It Ten Times
    The days of watching movies uninterrupted are over.
     Movie nights now include a series of built-in pauses, such as bathroom breaks, snack breaks, “Mom! I can’t locate my blanket!” moments and random requests for help or to tell a tale. Now, your peaceful movie night is an interactive one. You wouldn’t want it any other way.

    Tired Mother Sleeping with her baby Daughter
    Tired Mother Sleeping with her baby Daughter
  10. Warm Drinks
    Do you remember the glorious days when you could drink a warm cup of coffee or tea?
     No, it’s not. By the time you’ve taken your first sip, your coffee, tea, or even hot chocolate is at best lukewarm. As you juggle your parenting duties, you have to race against the clock to get to your hot beverage. By the time you sit down to enjoy it, it’s cold and you need to heat it.

  11. Jumping Jacks
    Let’s be honest: jumping jacks, or any other high-impact exercises, are less enjoyable after you have children.
     If you haven’t emptied your bladder before starting a high-impact exercise like jumping or running, it can cause some unfortunate side effects. You’ll be reminded that your pelvic floor has changed every time you attempt to do jump jacks. Now, it’s all modified exercises.

  12. Any article of clothing that requires you to go braless
    Previously, you were able to wear a flowy sundress without giving it a second glance.
     Wearing a bra is a thing of the past, especially for women who are nursing or have “mom bumps.” Now, comfort and support are the key.

  13. Use Glassware Between 7am-7pm When your child is awake, using glassware can be a dangerous activity. It is almost certain that your child will break your glass or spill the contents on your floor. You’ve accepted that toddlers and glassware don’t go together. You keep plastic cups in every room of your house for a good reason.

  14. A Household without a Single Dirty Item
    Once, you were able to walk around your house and not notice a single dirty item of laundry.
     Now? Laundry is a never-ending task. There’s always laundry to do, whether it’s clothes, towels or sheets. It’s usually the blankets, or the stuffed toys of the kids. The laundry is a constant in your life and never “done”.

  15. Sleeping in
    This one was bound to happen! Once you become a mother or father, the luxury of sleeping late is gone. No matter when you go to sleep, your child’s internal timer seems to be set at “6 a.m.” Even weekends are not for snoozing. If you’re lucky, you might get an extra 30 minutes. Sleeping in has become a thing of the past.

Don’t forget, even though it might feel like you have given up many things as a mother, there are countless benefits and new experiences to be had. The love you gain is unimaginable. You also gain an incredible sense of purpose and joy as you watch your children grow. Even though you may not be going to the club anymore or taking spontaneous trips, your family is filling this space.

We salute all mums who have traded their carefree lifestyles for something bigger, brighter and more beautiful. We may no longer party the way we used to, but we have gained a new level of happiness. What could be better?

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