ParentingMum And Baby

10 Important Values to Teach Your Daughters

10 Important Values to Teach Your Daughters: Empowering Your Daughters

In today’s society, being a woman is not easy. There are many advantages to being a female, including the ability to care for others, but there is also pressure to conform to society’s unrealistic standards. Raising little girls in an environment that is obsessed by looks and body images can be difficult for mothers, grandmothers and other female role-models. There are some lessons we can teach to help our daughters become confident, happy and resilient women.

This guide is for all daughters, mothers and grandmothers that want to make sure their girls are prepared for success. These ten lessons will help every girl navigate life’s complexities with grace and confidence.

Important Values
Important Values 

1. Do what you enjoy, not what society expects

Society tries to put us in neat little boxes from the moment we’re born. Girls are expected to behave in certain ways. For example, they should play with dolls and wear pink. They also need to be “gentle” or sweet. Boys are encouraged to be strong, rough and adventurous. These societal expectations do not have to define your life.

Teach her that it is perfectly okay to challenge these stereotypes. Wear rainboots when you go swimming, or play with racecars. Or, color her hair blue, if it makes her happy. Encourage her to keep this attitude as she gets older. She will be pushed to conform to gender roles by the world, but it is up to her to decide what she wants to do. It’s her choice whether she wants to be an athlete or a CEO. Only one rule applies: She should make choices based on her true desires, and not what other people expect from her.

2. Never Doubt Your Strength

Never doubt your daughter’s strength is one of the best lessons you can give her. There will be obstacles in life, and people will try to knock her down. Others may criticize your daughter for being too loud or quiet, too intelligent, or too ambitious. Your daughter should understand that her journey is unique and she shouldn’t let others’ opinions dictate how she feels about herself.

Teach her that no matter what anyone says, she should keep going forward. It doesn’t matter if she meets people who are more intelligent, attractive or talented than her, it does not diminish her value. It’s her journey, so she should trust her instincts and abilities.

3. Everyone is Beautiful

It is important to make sure your daughter understands that beauty does not come in a one-size fits all definition. Beauty comes in many shapes, colors, and sizes. She must understand that the true beauty of a woman is kindness, compassion and how she treats other people.

Encourage her to embrace and love her unique features. Remind her that a beautiful soul is more attractive than anything physical. The sooner she can learn to love herself, the more she’ll radiate positivity and confidence.

4. Look for the positives in every situation

It’s not always going to be the way you plan. It’s important to look for the positive in every situation. Teach your daughter to find the positive side of every situation. This will develop her resilience and growth mindset.

There’s always something for which to be thankful or from which to learn, even on the worst days. She may have failed a test, but this is an opportunity for her to study more next time. She may not have made the team but she now has more time to pursue new interests and activities. She will become more resilient and positive as she turns setbacks into lessons.

Writing note showing Life Values
Writing note showing Life Values  

5. It’s OK to spend money on things you enjoy (especially shoes)

You must teach your daughter financial responsibility, but also allow her to buy things she enjoys. If buying new shoes makes her happy, let her treat herself to them. It’s okay to treat yourself to something you enjoy, so long as your financial decisions are balanced.

This does not mean that you should encourage your daughter to spend excessively, but instead, teach her the importance of finding a balance between saving money and enjoying the fruits.

6. Your Instincts Are Your Best Guide

Women are often guided by their instincts to make the best decisions. Teach her to trust herself. Your daughter’s intuition will often guide her in the right path, whether she is deciding on which friends to keep, or which career to pursue. Encourage her to trust her instincts. Women are often right when they follow their gut.

If she is unsure, tell her to stop, listen to her inner voice, and to trust that her inner wisdom will guide her in making the right decision.

7. Even if they differ from yours, all opinions are valuable

The ability to interact with people who have different opinions from your own is one of the most valuable lessons anyone can learn. Teach her to listen to others’ opinions, even if they don’t match yours. Encourage her to be open-minded and communicate with respect. This will help her to develop empathy and respect.

Help her to understand the viewpoints of others and tell her that she can disagree with them as long as they are respectful. This will not only improve her emotional intelligence, but will also teach her the value of healthy and constructive debates.

8. Fear Not Failure

Failure is an essential part of the growth process. We cannot improve or learn without failure. Teach your daughter to accept failure and that it doesn’t define them. Failure is a great teacher. It teaches valuable lessons, which success cannot.

Remind her that failures can teach you valuable lessons. Encourage her to keep trying, as each time she succeeds in reaching her goal.

9. Your health is more important than your clothing size

It’s important to teach your child that health is more valuable than a number on the scale. Exercise should be fun, energizing and good for the body, not just to fit in a smaller size.

Encourage her to choose nourishing foods, which will fuel her body and give it energy, instead of following restrictive diets. Teach her to appreciate her body and not compare herself to others.

Life Values Text Written on the Paper
Life Values Text Written on the Paper

10. Always be yourself

Remind your daughter, above all else, to be yourself. She is valuable and unique. She deserves love for who she is. Encourage her to remain true to her personality, values and interests in a world where people are often pushed to conform. We need more confident, authentic women who are comfortable with who they really are.

Tell her she’s awesome as she is, and she doesn’t have to change for anyone else’s definition of perfection. Encourage her to be surrounded by people who love her as she is and never settle for less than what she deserves.


The ten lessons above are only the beginning. We have a responsibility as mothers, grandmothers and role models to teach our girls the values and principles they need to navigate through life with strength, confidence and resilience. As long as the world imposes its standards and demands, our daughters will be prepared to meet any challenge or pursue any dream.

We thank all the grandmothers, mothers and mentors for passing on these life lessons. We must continue to empower girls with kindness, wisdom and confidence so they can become strong women who change the world.

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