The Best Things About Newborn Babies
The Best Things About Newborn Babies
Welcoming a newborn baby into the world is an experience filled with love, wonder, and, a lot of questions. From the moment they arrive, parents find themselves amazed by their tiny fingers, adorable yawns, and the way they instantly steal hearts.
You may have many questions now that you are a parent. How do I handle my baby, get help after bringing them home, soothe them, bond with them, and diaper them?
In this article, we will explore the best things about newborn babies, the magical moments that make every parent’s sleepless night worth it. Whether you’re a first-time parent or adding to your family, get ready to appreciate the beauty of these early days and answer some of your questions.
How do I handle my baby?
You may think that newborns are fragile if you’ve never spent much time with them. Here are some basic things to keep in mind:
- Before handling your baby, wash your hands or use hand sanitiser. Because newborns do not have a robust immune system, they are at risk of infection. Make sure everyone who touches your baby has clean hands.
- Support the head and neck of your baby. When carrying your baby, cradle its head. Support the head while carrying your baby or laying it down.
- Do not shake your baby in anger or play. Shaking your baby can lead to bleeding in the head and even death. Shaking your baby will cause bleeding in the brain and can even lead to death. Tickle your baby’s toes or gently blow on their cheek.
- When using a car seat, stroller or carrier, always fasten the baby securely. Limit activities that are too rough or bouncy.
- Avoid rough play when playing with newborns. Do not jig them around on their knees or throw them up in the air.

How can I get help after my baby comes home?
It is important to take care of your health when caring for a new baby. Consider seeking help during a time that can be hectic and overwhelming.
You might be able to get help from family members and friends. Even if they disagree with you on certain things, their experiences may be useful.
Anyone who is going to be handling your baby should have all their vaccinations up-to-date and only help if they are feeling well. If you’re not feeling well or have any other concerns, do not feel bad about having fewer visitors.
How can I soothe my baby?
You can make your baby feel more relaxed and happier by helping them relax. Here are a few tips to soothe your baby.
Infant massage can help babies who are premature or have medical issues. Certain types of massage can enhance bonding, and aid in the growth and development of babies. Ask your doctor about books or videos that cover infant massage. Massage your baby gently. Babies aren’t nearly as strong as adult
Babies love vocal sounds such as singing, cooing, talking and babbling. Soft music is likely to be a favourite of your baby. You can also stimulate your baby’s hearing with musical mobiles or rattles. Singing, reading nursery rhymes and poetry, or reciting them while you rock or sway your child gently is a great way to calm a fussy baby.
Some babies are unusually sensitive to light, sound, and touch. Some babies may cry or startle easily, sleep less or even turn away from someone when they sing or speak to them. Keep noise and light levels at a low-medium level if that is the case.
Another soothing method is Swaddling. This works for some babies in their first few weeks. Swaddling a baby properly keeps their arms close to their body, while still allowing them to move their legs. It is a good way to keep a baby warm and gives them a feeling of comfort and security. Swaddling can also help to limit the startle reaction, which may wake up a baby.
How can I bond with my baby?
Bonding occurs during the first few days and hours after birth when parents form a strong connection with their baby. The physical closeness between you and your baby can form an emotional bond that will help the child develop in many other ways. You can also think of bonding as “falling in” love with your child. Children thrive when they have a parent, or another adult, who loves them unconditionally.
Start bonding with your baby by gently stroking and cradling them in different patterns. Skin-to-skin care (also known as kangaroo contact) is another good technique. You hold your baby against your chest. This technique helps soothe and calm babies and also regulates their heartbeat. This is a great practice that parents or moms can do.
How do I diaper my baby?
If you are using cloth diapers or disposables, then your baby will use them approximately 10 times per day. This is roughly 70 times per week. When you are diapering your child,
- All the items you need are within easy reach.
- Use a washcloth, cotton balls and water to gently wipe your baby from front to back.
- diaper rash can be treated by applying diaper cream.
- After changing the diaper, wash your hands.

10 Things You Should Know About Newborn Babies
Newborn babies are tiny bundles of joy, but they can present some challenges. This is to be expected, as newborns go through a period of intense growth and development during their first few months.
We’re here to answer any questions you may have about caring for newborn babies.
1. Your Newborn May Look a Little Funny.
The truth is that your baby’s face could be smushed due to the birth canal. They may have cone-shaped heads, especially if the baby “dropped” in your birth canal before delivery or had a long labour.
A newborn baby can also wear a “bodysuit” made of fine hair, called lanugo. They may also have a coat called vernix if they arrive a bit early. All of these newborn characteristics are normal and usually temporary. Enjoy the special “birthday” appearance of your newborn!
2. You’ll Have To Wait For Smiles.
Around the 2-month mark, your baby’s first smile is likely to brighten up your life. You’ve been working hard for a demanding boss. Keep in mind that your efforts during those early days will not be lost on your child.
Your baby will feel comforted and attached to you. They like to be held. There is also plenty of bonding going on, even if it takes a while to see.
3. You’ll Also Have to Wait for Bathtime.
Experts recommend waiting 24 hours for your baby to take his or her first bath. It is also suggested to use sponge baths to keep the umbilical cord from falling off. If you keep it dry, your baby’s cord will fall off sooner. If the cord gets wet, gently pat it to dry.
Some parents have learned that it’s okay if the cord leaves a small amount of blood on the stump. At first, it can be frightening, but mild bleeding or even a scab is normal. If, however, you notice pus, drainage, or excessive bleeding, consult your pediatrician.
4. The Soft Spot is Nothing to Fear
The fontanel is the opening in the skull that allows the baby to move through the birth canal. Some parents may feel nervous about it, but it is completely normal. The spot may even pulsate because it is directly above the blood vessels surrounding the brain.
5. Your Baby Will Let You Know if They Are Not Eating Enough
It’s hard to tell how much milk your newborn is getting if you are nursing. However, there is a simple way to determine how much milk your baby is getting. The weight of the infant is the best indication in the early stages.
A healthy newborn may lose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first week but should regain it by the second. You can also use diaper counting as a guide: the first five days are haphazard. After that, there should be five to six wet diapers per day and one or two stools.

6. Dry Skin is Normal for Newborns.
Your baby’s skin may initially be silky and soft, but this will change soon. If you were to soak yourself in liquids for nine months and then suddenly be exposed to air, you would experience dryness too.
If you want to, you can use a fragrance-free and hypoallergenic baby lotion.
It’s not uncommon for little bumps to appear, as well as diaper rashes and baby acne. If a rash starts to ooze or doesn’t improve, call a doctor.
7. You Can Choose Your Outings
If you want to change scenery, you can take some precautions and venture out.
Use common sense when going out in public. Avoid crowded places (such as parties and stores during the holidays) and keep your baby away from direct sunlight. Take extra precautions if you are in the RSV Season (roughly from October to March).
Teach older children to only touch the feet of the baby, and not their face or hands. You can even make them the hygiene police by having them remind guests to wash their hands before handling the baby.
8. Newborns Can Cry a Lot.
These piercing wails let you know that your baby is hungry, cold, has a dirty diaper, or wants to be held. It can be difficult to understand these early “conversations,” but you will soon learn what your baby wants.
Some parents quickly learn to recognise their baby’s hunger signals. Many new parents set up alarms to remind them to feed their baby every two hours but soon realise the baby does a good job of letting them know when it’s time.
If you are struggling during this time, know that better days—and quieter ones—will be coming soon. If you think something is wrong, talk to your doctor.

9. “Cat Naps” Are a Real Thing
Sleeping with a new baby is a challenge. Your baby will need to eat about every two or three hours. This means that neither you nor your partner will get much sleep. But it does get better. By 3 months, most infants can sleep six to eight-hour stretches.
As long as the pediatrician approves, you may let your newborn sleep for as long as they want between feedings.
10. The Newborn Stage is a Brief Stage
Are you feeling stressed, tired, and lonely? Early parenting can be challenging. It can be beautiful but also very fleeting. Many parents look back and realise how quickly time passes. Some regret not taking enough photos or keeping notes of those early days.
Veteran parents often say that with their first baby, they worried over everything—from diaper changes to whether the baby was crying more than usual. With their second baby, they learned to relax and enjoy the snuggles, the smell, and the simple moments together.
There is no right or wrong way to navigate the early days of parenting a newborn.
Some parents enjoy the newborn snuggles, while others love the chaos of toddlerhood. You are entitled to your feelings, and you should not be afraid to ask for help from family members and doctors if needed.
How I Finally Learned to Love The Newborn Baby Stage?
The newborn stage can be filled with overwhelming emotions. It can feel like a rollercoaster. When bringing a first child home, many parents feel a sense of shock. Life is completely transformed, and it can be difficult to know what to expect.
The first time caring for someone else and learning what true selflessness means, some parents find it hard to enjoy the experience. The constant feeds and lack of sleep at night make it easy to focus on the challenges rather than the beautiful moments.
For those having a second child, the transition to having multiple children at home can feel even more hectic. However, with time and experience, parents often learn to embrace the newborn stage with more ease and appreciation.