PregnancyBaby Health

How to Keep Track of Your Baby’s Movement?

Feeling your baby move is one of the most comforting experiences you can have as your pregnancy progresses, and how to keep track of your baby’s movement becomes important to ensure that these gentle flutters, kicks, and squirms are a sign of your baby’s growth and health.

How to keep track of your baby’s movement? Once you learn the signs and tools you can use to help you keep track of your baby, you’ll have peace of mind. This guide will teach you how to track your baby’s movement and when you should seek medical advice.

Track Patterns Note Your Baby’s Usual Activity Times

The first time you feel your baby move is one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy. It’s exciting to feel your baby move, but it also means your child is healthy. You can monitor kicks during pregnancy to ensure your child is growing inside the uterus.

When to Expect Movements to Start?

It’s not uncommon to feel nothing until the 20th week of pregnancy if this is your first time pregnant. The direction in which those little legs kick can vary depending on where your baby is located and how it’s positioned.

Quickening is the term used to describe the first movement that you feel. It may feel like a fluttering in your womb. In subsequent pregnancies for women, the quickening may be felt a few weeks sooner.

As Your Baby grows, The Kicks Will Become More Intense.

As your baby grows, you will notice that his movements are more distinct.

You’ll also notice that your baby will kick more frequently as he grows stronger. You may also notice your baby moves more during certain times of the day. You should be aware of the kicking patterns of your child so that you can track any changes.

What is the Kick Count in Pregnancy?

It is possible to monitor the fetus by counting kicks. Expectant parents track fetal movements and kicks during the development of your uterus. Sometimes, changes in the pattern of movement can indicate that the fetus may be under stress. You can tell when something is off by knowing the normal movements of the fetus.

How to Keep Track of Your Baby's Movement
How to Keep Track of Your Baby’s Movement?

Two main methods of tracking fetal movements are:

  • Count how many kicks you experience in an hour.
  • Measure the time taken for the fetus to kick 10 times.

Around 20 weeks, you will most likely start feeling the kick of your fetus. It could be later if it is your first pregnancy. You may feel the fetus move a bit sooner if you have been pregnant in the past. Fetuses can move in different ways and at different times. You should be able to recognize the general movement patterns of your fetus by the end of your third trimester (28 weeks).

Prenatal visits are a great time to discuss fetal movement with your doctor. This will give them a better understanding of how the fetus develops.

What Does Fetal Kicking Feel Like?

The kicks that come from your uterus may feel soft or even be difficult to discern (especially the initial movements). The fetus’ movements are not strong because it is so small. Kicks can be described as swishes and rolls, jabs, or butterflies by some people. The fetal movements vary according to the fetus’s age. They become stronger during the third trimester of pregnancy (28-40 weeks).

You shouldn’t panic when you don’t know what you are feeling. You will eventually learn about the fetus’s movement patterns and when he is most likely to be active.

Why Should I Count The Fetal Kicks in My Body?

You can become more aware of the movements of a fetus by counting its kicks. Knowing what is normal for the fetus will help you to determine when something doesn’t feel right. The fetal movements can be a sign of early distress or a problem in the pregnancy. You can notify your healthcare provider of any changes in the activity level of the fetus once you have determined it.

It is good to feel the fetus moving in your uterus. This indicates that it is healthy and growing. Even healthy fetuses may experience discomfort. Knowing what is normal for a fetus will help you identify any potential problems. Your healthcare provider may be concerned if a normally active fetus slows down.

When Should I Begin Counting Kicks?

It is important to be constantly aware of the fetal movement during pregnancy. The third trimester, between weeks 28 and forty, is when kick counting is most important. Lack of movement could indicate that the fetus may be stressed. Speak to your doctor about how often you should count kicks or the number of kicks that are normal. Only you and your healthcare provider can determine what is normal for you.

How Do I Count Kicks?

You can count fetal kicking in several ways. You can count fetal kicks using an app or a clock or timer on your phone.

The typical fetal movements are 10 movements in an hour (kicks or flutters). Do not panic if you do not feel 10 movements within an hour. It’s not a problem if you feel fewer than 10 kicks. You may need to wait a bit longer than an hour before you feel 10 movements. It is not unusual for this to happen.

How to Count Fetal Kicks?

  • Select a time that you feel most relaxed or are least distracted.
  • Make yourself comfortable. Sit with your feet raised or lie on your left.
  • Put your hands on the belly.
  • Start a clock or a timer.
  • Count every kick. Count each kick until you reach 10.
  • Write down the time it took you to complete 10 kicks.

You can also set a one-hour timer and grab some paper. As soon as the timer begins, mark the paper every time you get a kick. Add up all the marks. You’re looking to make 10 movements within an hour.

You’ll begin to notice patterns after a few days and learn what is normal for a fetus. Each fetus differs. You are determining what is normal for the fetus. You can then call your doctor if you notice any significant changes in the fetal movements.

How Many Kicks Per Day Should I Expect?

Different healthcare providers have differing opinions about how many movements to look for in a certain amount of time. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends you time the amount of time it takes to feel 10 kicks. You should feel 10 movements in two hours.

It’s okay if you don’t notice 10 movements within two hours. You can “wake” up the fetus or try again later when it is more active.

Contact your doctor for advice if you still can’t feel the fetus moving.

A Pregnant Mother And Her Daughter
A Pregnant Mother And Her Daughter

When Will I Feel My Fetus The Most?

The movements of a fetus are also unique. The fetus may be more active during certain hours of the day. You may notice that you move more after eating. The increase in glucose (sugar) in your blood is the reason for this. Some people notice that they feel more movement at night when they go to sleep. You may not feel your fetus move during the day if you are busy at work or taking care of other children.

Fetuses are also more active at night. This could be because your movements throughout the day may help them fall asleep in your uterus.

How Can I Get The Fetus to Kick?

Once you know when the fetus is active, it will be easier to count the kicks. There will still be times when a fetus won’t cooperate. You can do the following to encourage your fetus:

  • Moving your body or taking a walk is a good idea.
  • Drinking juice or any other sweet beverage.
  • Eating a meal.
  • Lie on your left (this will maximize blood flow).
  • Loud music is a bad idea

When Should I Be Concerned About Low Kick Counts?

Do not be alarmed if you haven’t seen the fetus move in several hours. Just like you, fetuses have periods of sleep, rest, and activity.

You may need to extend the time by two hours in some cases. After two hours, if you still haven’t felt any movements at all, it may be time to tell your doctor. Your pregnancy and medical history can help them decide if you need to be monitored more closely.

You shouldn’t be stressed out by counting kicks. Ask your obstetrician or midwife how many kicks to expect each day. Also, ask what to look out for. Monitoring fetal movements is not necessary if your pregnancy is going well and the fetus appears to be thriving.

Does a Fetus Kick Less Before Birth?

No, fetuses don’t move less before labor. You may notice more kicking and less rolling by the time your fetus reaches full term (39 weeks). Many people think that this means there is less movement, but it’s a change in the type of movement. You should be able to feel the same amount of movement per day. Only you can determine what is normal. If you notice any changes in the fetal movement, contact your healthcare provider.

Feeling Baby Movements While Relaxing
Feeling Baby Movements While Relaxing

When should I Call my Doctor?

If fetal movement changes abruptly or stops, contact your healthcare provider. In most cases, decreased fetal movements are not a sign that something is wrong. You should always be cautious and inform your healthcare provider. To make sure that everything is ok, they can perform an Ultrasound or check the fetal heart rate.

Learn the Facts About Infant Movements.

If you can feel your baby moving, they’re probably healthy. You may notice that the movements of your baby have changed, slowed, or stopped.

If you notice any changes in your baby’s movement, contact your maternity unit as soon as possible. It could save the life of your child. The maternity unit is staffed 24 hours per day, seven days a week.


  • You should continue to feel your baby move right up until the time you go into labor. Your baby should still move up until the moment you enter labor. You should also feel your baby move during labor.
  • You will continue to feel the baby moving up until you give birth and even during your labor.

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