10 most common questions (and answers!) from pregnant women at the doctor

Pregnant mums, have you ever gone to the obstetrician full of questions, but forgotten to ask something crucial while you’re there? Appointments can be up to a month apart and it’s frustrating to have to wait another month just because you forgot what you were going to say! Babyology chatted with Sydney-based obstetrician and gynaecologist Rob Buist […]

Parents’ lunch box “error” sparks debate about snack shaming

A teacher’s note, flagging the poor nutritional value of an element of a child’s lunch, has been shared on Facebook by a friend of the family and it’s sparked some heated debate. Red food alert! The pro-forma note alerted the family to the fact that their 3-year-old’s kindergarten lunchbox contained a “red food”. “Please choose healthier options for […]