Are you a ‘permissive parent’ and is it too late to change your ways?

If you’re the sort of exhausted parent who is constantly giving in to your child’s outrageous demands then perhaps you’ve strayed into permissive parenting territory?  What is permissive parenting? Permissive parenting is a term coined by psychologist Diana Baumrind in the late ’60s. Diana looked at preschoolers and found that their parents mostly fitted into […]

How to develop a parenting strategy based on your child’s unique temperament

Babyology podcast Feed Play Love spoke to early childhood expert Naomi Hackworth from the Raising Children Network about how understanding temperament can help mums and dads fine-tune their approach to parenting.  Listen to Naomi Hackworth on Feed Play Love: What is temperament? “Temperament’s a set of characteristics that each of us is born with that affects how […]