5 ways to get your libido back after you have babies

Perhaps you, or someone you know, has been there? Overwhelmed with the demands of day-to-day life with a new baby, wondering where that person who actually managed to conceive (and HAVE SEX!) has gone. Shannon O’Meara and Alice Fenton, hosts of Babyology’s podcast all about our bodies after babies, Bodyshock spoke to sexologist Pamela Supple about […]

10 reasons why all mums are actually superheroes

Move over Ironman. The real superheroes are walking amongst us each and every day. There is no such thing as 9-5 when you’re a parent and we all know how much work mums (and dads) put in on a daily basis. But you may not realise just how eerily similar mums are to many of our […]

All the ridiculously awesome reasons we have cried while pregnant

When you have extra levels of hormones swishing through your pregnant body, you already know you’re going to be feeling ALL the feels for the full nine months. You’ve read the books, you’ve talked to your friends … you know this. Right? RIGHT?? But when you’re strapped into the hormone rollercoaster that’s called pregnancy, the […]