Crushed intestines, anyone?! Watch how your organs shift during pregnancy

Woah! If you thought someone was rearranging the furniture inside your body during pregnancy, you would be 100 percent right! Baby on board This amazing animation from Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry illustrates just how much smooshing, bunching up and squishing of internal organs goes on during pregnancy. It seems those pregnant lady feelings of […]

6 signs you’re ready for another baby

There’s nothing quite like that newborn smell and those first few months when you feel love like no other. But amidst that fog of sleep deprivation and learning the ropes, the thought of another baby can be nothing short of petrifying. So, how do you know when you’re ready to do it all again? Here are […]

“Birthday frosting?!” Startling image captures the miracle of newborn vernix

The protective coating many babies still sport at birth is a kind of super-powered substance, proving just how amazing our bodies really are! Birthday frosting?! An image shared on the Birth Without Fear Facebook page has sparked lots of discussion about the miracle substance vernix and its importance during pregnancy and post-birth. The post was captioned with an […]