
Recognizing Toddler Fatigue

Understanding the Signs of Toddler Fatigue and Why they are Important

Recognizing Toddler Fatigue is crucial for parents and caregivers to ensure a child’s well-being. Toddlers, with their boundless energy, can easily become overtired without showing clear signs until they hit their limit. Recognizing when a child is fatigued helps prevent meltdowns, irritability, and potential health issues. Early intervention with rest or a calming activity can make a significant difference in a toddler’s mood and behaviour. By learning to identify these signs, you can better support your child’s emotional and physical needs, fostering a healthier and happier environment for them to thrive.

1. Clinginess

Your little one is likely tired if they refuse to unwrap from your leg, or if they ask to be carried around or cuddled. When your toddler is feeling low, they may act out to find comfort and security.

Clinginess is also a sign that separation anxieties are present. If your child is normally independent but suddenly wants to hold you, this could be a sign that they are ready for a nap.

Recognizing Toddler Fatigue
Recognizing Toddler Fatigue

2. Loss of Appetite

It can seem like food is not appealing to toddlers when they are tired. Tiredness may affect a child’s appetite and make them less inclined to eat. Lack of energy can also make it difficult for them to chew or swallow food.

Your child may need rest if they refuse to eat, or throw food on the floor.

3. Tears and Irritability

We all know the meltdowns and tantrums our adorable little kids exhibit. Remember that your toddler’s behaviours are a form of communication, no matter how frustrating or embarrassing they may be. The toddlers are not yet able to regulate and recognise their emotions. They need the help of adults to manage their feelings.

Your child’s ability to handle certain situations will decrease as they get tired. They may also become frustrated or emotional, and struggle to accomplish tasks they usually do with ease.

They are trying to get your attention. You need to intervene, make them comfortable, and do whatever is needed to restore their balance. This may include a nap.

4. Eyes Rubbing and Yawning

The most obvious signs of toddler fatigue are yawning and rubbing the eyes. These are signs we can easily recognize as we exhibit the same behaviors as adults when tired.

When your child is overstimulated or tired, they might rub their eyes as a way to indicate that they need rest and some shut-eye.

5. Clumsiness

Toddlers have an endless amount of energy and enthusiasm. Their coordination and balance may be affected by fatigue, making them look clumsy.

Fatigue can affect a child’s ability quickly to process information and respond to their surroundings. They may also misjudge distances or lose their balance, or even bump into things. Fatigue can also cause muscles to weaken and make it harder for them to control themselves.

Why is it Important to Have Signs for Tired Toddlers?

It is important to understand your toddler’s tired signs, as it will help you prevent them from becoming overtired. In this state the body produces cortisol – the “alert hormone”. Cortisol can make it difficult for your child to fall asleep and stay asleep as their levels increase.

Overtiredness may also be a factor in your child’s early wake-ups. If your toddler’s cortisol levels are higher at sleep time this can be compounded with our bodies natural cortisol surge in the early morning hours to prepare us for awakening.

When your child is overtired the cortisol levels are elevated by their natural morning production. This can lead to an earlier than normal wake up time, which further increases their exhaustion.

You can prevent the vicious cycle of being overtired by watching your child’s behaviour and recognizing tired cues. This will ensure that your child gets enough sleep.

A Baby is Yawning
A Baby is Yawning

Sleep is a top Priority for your Toddler

Sleep deprivation can affect a toddler’s behaviour, mood and health. You can use toddler-tired signals to help create a schedule that will ensure your child gets the sleep they need for their age.

Your toddler’s sleep cycle will be improved by a consistent sleep schedule. You can also manage their daily schedule more confidently.

My Sweet Sleeper will help you create a tailored sleep schedule to help your toddler get back on track. If you need more help with your child’s sleep issues, we also offer personalized one-on one coaching that is tailored to your family.

Signs Your Child Is Exhausted: Recognizing Toddler Fatigue

Do you know the feeling that comes after a good night’s rest? That bright-eyed-ready-to-take-on-the-day feeling? It’s good. This is the feeling you’d want your children to have.

You’re not alone if your child doesn’t sleep enough. A study found that over a third (35%) of children aged between 4 months and 18 years get less sleep than recommended. This can lead to groggy mornings, and even affect their cognitive and social development.

We spoke with Vaishal Shah, MD, a pediatric sleep specialist, about the signs that your child is not getting enough sleep, and what you can do to help them get more ZZZs.

Your Child Could be Tired

Children of different ages can show signs of sleepiness in different ways. Learn to recognise the signs of fatigue in your child, whether they are too young to express it or too old to do so.

1. Tired Babies

According to research, babies who sleep too little can suffer lasting effects in their speech, memory, and cognitive development.

It’s hard to settle them down when they are tired. It’s hard to calm them down when they are all pumped up. Recognizing early signs that your child is tired will prevent a full-blown meltdown.

Signs that your baby is sleeping include

  • Failing to stop crying, whining, or feigning anger
  • Look “zoned out”.
  • Pulling their ears
  • Rub their eyes
  • Yawning

2. Tired Toddlers

Tired toddlers are a contradiction in themselves. Outwardly, they may seem “wired”, or overexcited when in reality, they are on the brink of exhaustion. Like your toddler’s gas tank running out, they’ll lay on the pedal to see how many laps they can do before the wheels fall off.

Dr Shah says that sleepy toddlers can exhibit similar signs to younger children. These include rubbing their eyes, yawning, and crying. Also, they may:

  • Clingy
  • Hyperactive during naptime or at night
  • Irritable
  • Slow interaction with parents or peers

3. Tired Children

Lack of sleep for school-age children can be a barrier to learning.

Dr. Shah notes that excessive sleepiness can lead to impaired memory, inhibited creativity and make it hard for your child to learn. Their metabolism, immune system, and cardiovascular system may be affected. Even depression can be caused by sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation can lead to:

  • You may find it difficult to get up in the morning, and you might want to reset your alarms several times.
  • Feeling moody all the time?
  • You may have difficulty concentrating or falling asleep during class
  • After waking up, you may still look and feel tired.
  • Take frequent naps or sleep for long periods on the weekends

4. Tired Teenagers

Dr Shah warns that teens who sleep too little can have problems in school and even beyond. researchers discovered that teens who sleep less than six hours are more likely to fight or use drugs or alcohol.

The signs of exhaustion in teens are the same as those that apply to younger children.

  • Excessive irritability or moodiness
  • Sleeping in class or napping frequently during the day
  • Reports of dangerous driving
  • Skip work, sports and other extracurricular commitments to sleep

Sleeping Better with Your Children

Maybe your child needs more sleep. It could be that your child is experiencing a Sleep Regression or is having trouble staying asleep.

Sleep aids that are available over the counter may only mask the issue and not get to the root of it. Dr. Shah gives you five tips to consider before reaching for Melatonin and other sleep aids:

1. How much sleep does your child need?

The amount of sleep that your child requires will change over time. To better understand your child’s sleep needs, consider the recommendations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine as well as any signs of sleepiness that they may be showing.

2. Stick to your schedule

Dr. Shah suggests that you keep your child on a consistent schedule of sleep and wake times, even at weekends. You can set an example for your child by adhering to a schedule.

“I often hear families say that Saturday or Friday night is a time to relax. Dr. Shah says, “I always say every day is for enjoying. Having a regular schedule allows you to enjoy each day more.” If your child wants to sleep in later on weekends, you can push it back an hour. But I wouldn’t recommend pushing it further. Your body can’t adjust to a constantly changing sleep schedule.

Baby Boy Lying on the Bed
Baby Boy Lying on the Bed

3. You can Follow a Routine to Bedtime

We humans are creatures who follow routines and habits from the moment we’re born until we reach old age. A wind-down is your body’s cue to prepare for a restful night. A regular and calming bedtime routine can help babies get a good night’s sleep.

A good bedtime routine includes:

      1. Limit high-energy activities an hour or so before bedtime. Instead, get those wiggles in during the day.
      2. Turn off electronic devices such as phones, tablets and TVs at least one hour before going to bed. You can read more about that below.
      3. Take time to relax with your children by reading, talking at bedtime or meditating. ).
      4. Practice good hygiene every night in the same order. Encourage your child to have a short, consistent routine before bedtime. This includes flossing, cleaning their teeth and washing their faces.

4. Prepare your bedroom for sleep

Keep the room of your child quiet and comfortable. Dr. Shah suggests keeping the temperature in the room between 70 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit. (21 to 23 Celsius). If there is too much light from outside in your bedroom, hang heavy drapes. A nightlight can help if your child is afraid of the dark.

Pro tip: A nightlight is a great idea not only for the baby, but also for his or her room. You can avoid stubbed feet or tripping on toys by using a little light when you check in at night.

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5. Avoid using Electronics at Night

It may be difficult to do at first, because no one wants to give their gadgets up. Turning off your tech for at least one hour before you go to bed can have a huge impact.

Studies show that screen time and sleep problems are linked in children as well as teens. Screen time keeps the brain active and stimulated, which makes it difficult to relax and fall asleep.

Dr Shah suggests that kids and adults alike should avoid TVs, smartphones, computers, and video games.

Even very young children now know how to use smartphones. Dr. Shah states that our kids are already phone-trained, before they have even learned to use a toilet. “Little ones will do whatever the adults in their life do. You can teach them the importance of disconnecting by putting down your phone before bedtime. They’ll sleep better as a result. “You will too.”

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