12 weird but totally normal skin changes during pregnancy

Posted in Stages of Pregnancy.

Lots of things happen to your amazing body as it grows a brand new life. As well as all the usual pregnancy niggles, you may notice your hair is suddenly lush and thick but your skin is, well, a bit all over the place.

Have a flick through this gallery to find out all the weird but totally normal things that can happen to your biggest organ during pregnancy. 

5. Dark patches and moles

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Darkened skin around your nipple area (areola) is often one of the first signs of pregnancy. This along with darker patches of skin elsewhere, including moles and freckles are another weird pregnancy skin phenomena. Two in three pregnant women will also develop chloasma, melasma, or the 'mask of pregnancy'. This is a temporary darkened skin patch that often appears on the forehead, cheeks and neck.


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