Annaliese Dent and Chris North: Quarantine with children, wine time and more

Posted in The Parent Panel.

Broadcaster and writer, Annaliese Dent and marriage celebrant, Chris North join The Parent Panel presenter, Shevonne Hunt to chat about the news and events of the week.

On this episode they speak about:

  • How to survive a COVID-19 quarantine with children
  • Do men suffer from “relationship-generated disadvantage” when they divorce?
  • Is ‘Mummy wine time’ a fun way to relax or is it problematic?
  • The most stressful thing you’ve done with kids (that was meant to be enjoyable)

Listen to Annaliese Dent and Chris North on The Parent Panel:

Two weeks in lock-down with small children: How would you survive?

As the coverage of COVID-19 continues the thought that’s challenging parents everywhere is: What do you do in quarantine for two weeks with your children?

It would be like a rainy day, but for 14 days in a row! Darren Levin was having trouble getting his head around it too. He writes, “Like most people with a house purchased after 1985, our fake grass garden is the size of a postage stamp so the idea of a potential quarantine for COVID-19, without the usual play centre bailout, feels less like an opportunity to bond with my kids and more like a new form of torture.” 

You’re quarantined for 14 days with your children: How do you survive?

Divorce and disadvantage

Angela Mollard this week wrote about a case in the UK where a woman was granted $780,000 compensation for the “relationship-generated disadvantage” she had during the marriage as she opted out of a well-paid job as a lawyer.

Angela said that this case is perplexing because in this day and age we can negotiate what our role in a relationship will be. That is, the wife could have said she wanted to work. And maybe her partner wanted to spend more time with the kids. Angela believes that this is something to be negotiated and agreed to under your own roof, not something to be considered and ruled on in the courts. 

Do you agree with Angela that “relationship-generated disadvantage” should not be considered in divorce proceedings?

Mummy wine time

Recently on Feed Play Love Mim Jenkinson talked about her book Less Wine More Time. It was a memoir about her experience with alcohol as a mum, and how it grew to be a problem.

She believes that there is a culture of mums drinking wine and that the memes posted about “mummy wine time” normalise the more unhelpful aspects of this behaviour 

Do you think there is a culture of drinking among mums in Australia? Is it problematic or quite normal? (with a few exceptions who rely on it too much). Are the memes damaging or just a bit of fun?

Fun times with kids (that aren’t always fun for you)

Presenter Shevonne Hunt’s daughter Darcy recently turned eight and she had a rollerskating party. While Shevonne’s daughter had an absolute ball Shevonne was completely stressed out. To start with they were late (got stuck in traffic on the way to the venue), then she’d told all the parents they could drop off their kids (and it turned out that they needed to stay to help their kids learn how to skate) and then every five minutes she would look up and a small child would be falling on their arseSo it was great for the kids, but stressful for her. 

What’s the most stressful thing you’ve done with your children that was meant to be enjoyable?


Annaliese Dent – on Instagram @annaliesedent her website is and her latest podcast is called Divorce Story.

Chris North – on Instagram @northyinsta his website is

In this podcast Annaliese mentions two books by Steven Biddulph: Raising Boys in the 21st Century and The New Manhood.


Shevonne Hunt – @shevonnehunt

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