Helpline: Toddlers who nap in cars, babies who sleep on the breast and more

Posted in Feed Play Love.

Is your baby waking through the night? Is your toddler throwing food in your face? Do you have a child who likes to scramble into bed beside you every night? Raising children raises many questions, and not all of them are easy to answer.

This is where Helpline comes in. Each week we invite an expert on the show to answer your questions.

This week we are joined by Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue who tackles the following challenges:

  • A nine-week-old cat napping and crying intensely at bed time
  • A 21-month-old who has become unsettled at bed time
  • A three-and-a-half-year-old waking with nightmares
  • A 23-month-old who will only nap in cars
  • A 10-week-old who will not sleep during the day
  • A four-year-old who keeps getting out of bed at night
  • A three-and-a-half-year-old who wakes throughout night
  • A two-month-old baby who only falls asleep on the breast
  • A 23-week-old who has regressed after being a perfect sleeper

For more help and to speak with a qualified expert check out Babyology’s Parent School.

Listen to Chris Minogue on Feed Play Love:

Helpline will be back with Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue next week. You can contact us by doing any of the following:

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.


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