Helpline: Daycare drop offs, night waking and toddler tantrums

Posted in Feed Play Love.

There is a lot to love about being a parent, but there are challenges too. Sleepless nights, food on the floor, tears in the shopping aisle.

When you find yourself facing a situation and you just can’t find a solution, Helpline is here to lend a hand.

This week, Mothercraft nurse and author of Bringing Baby Home, Chris Minogue helped parents with:

  • A three-year-old struggling with daycare drop off
  • A two-and-a-half-year-old waking up through the night
  • A five-week-old who wakes from naps upset
  • A cat-napping three-month-old
  • A two-and-a-half-year-old who has dropped his day nap and is now waking super early
  • A one-year-old who tantrums when they don’t get assistance
  • Whether to persevere with a swaddle for a seven-week-old
  • Whether to keep a dummy for a seven-month-old
  • A 17-month-old who insists on company falling to sleep
  • A three-month-old who hates the bath

Listen to Chris Minogue on Feed Play Love:

Helpline will be back live with paediatric nurse and sleep consultant Jo Ryan on Monday. You can contact us by doing any of the following:

Get your parenting questions answered now on Helpline with Chris Minogue

Raising a newborn or toddler is never easy – so our baby whisperer, Chris Minogue is here to provide some extra support.Got a parenting question for Chris? Leave it in the comments below.

Posted by Babyology on Sunday, 5 July 2020

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen


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