Anthony Semann on how we can help little kids understand their big emotions

Posted in Feed Play Love.

When you’re small, lots of things are bigger than you. Your parents, your dog, and most especially, your emotions.

We all need emotional literacy to get on in the world today, but how do we teach our children about their feelings?

Early childhood educator Anthony Semann from Semann and Slattery takes us through what emotion coaching is, and how to do it well.

Listen to Anthony on Feed Play Love

For more information about Anthony and his work head to the Semann and Slattery website.

Anthony is a regular guest on Feed Play Love. Click through for more of his great advice on discipline for children, raising resilient children, and more.

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.


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