Raising a mini-me – 11 things all mums of little girls should know

Posted in Relationships.

You will be her first role model, her first friend, her first love. For those first minutes, days, weeks and years, you will be her world. And she will be yours. But, let’s face it, raising girls can be a challenge on the best of days.

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When it comes to raising daughters, you can expect sugar and spice combined with a whole lotta sass! Whether you have one cheeky daughter or ten little beauties stealing your clothes (and your hearts), here are some lessons in raising daughters that you most likely know all too well. Raising boys? Make sure you check out our earlier post on boys will be boys.

1. The more drama, the better.

The day isn’t complete without something being thrown, something being slammed and someone being yelled at.

2. There is no such thing as too many shoes.

Girls learn this one early. And, until the age of five, wearing shoes that match is optional.

3. When in doubt, scream at the top of your lungs.

This will get the attention of someone… your parents, your neighbours, the police…

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4. Nine outfit changes per day is the norm.

Most of these outfits changes will involve a dress. And many of these dresses will have a princess on it or fairy wings attached to it.

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5. If you don’t know how to plait hair like Elsa, then don’t bother coming towards her with a hair brush.

Seriously. Don’t.

6. Chocolate fixes everything.

Girls learn this one early on too.

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7. Anything that belongs to you, also belongs to her.

This includes, but is not limited to, shoes, belts, hats, lipstick, nail polish, face cream and hair spray.

8. When the answer is, “No,” ask daddy.

Whenever they need something, mum is the one to go to. But whenever they want something, it’s always more beneficial to ask dad.


9. Lips are made for one thing – pouting.

Doesn’t matter if they are nine months or nine years, pouting comes with the territory.

10. Prepare for broken hearts.

Some days you will look at how big she’s grown and it will break your heart. Other days, she will come home from school with a broken heart. And as she gets older, she will be the one breaking hearts. See number six for the solution.

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11. Sticks, stones and social media will break her bones.

Bullying is terrifying territory when it comes to girls, especially with the rise of social media. You can expect friends to break-up, tears to be shed and possibly even a few horrible encounters online as well.

The best way to get through it? Let her know that, regardless of what her friends are doing at school or on Facebook, she will always have a best friend for life at home, waiting for her. Always.

Tell us about some of the other lessons about raising girls that you have learned from having daughters. Which is the most important lesson you want to instil in your daughter as she grows?


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