11 most parent-friendly gadgets of 2017

Posted in Entertainment and Technology.

I love a clever gadget as much as the next person, but when it promises to make my life as a mum easier, then pass me my credit card, I’m in!

We’ve rounded up the coolest, most innovative parenting products of 2017 that we think are going to be game changers for mums and dads.

Without further ado, here are our most-loved parenting devices from the year that was. 

10. Take bub's temperature with ease

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This clever thermometer will do away with you having to wrestle with your squirming baby to take her temp. Developed by Nurofen, the wearable baby thermometer for ages 0-3 allows you to continuously and accurately monitor your child’s fever, without disturbing her rest or creating any stress. Check out the:

FeverSmart Temperature Monitor.


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