Quick! 10 small (but essential) things to do now before baby arrives
Motherhood is hands down the best thing to ever happen to me. I love it. I feel it’s what I was born to do, but sometimes, I also miss my pre-baby life. That carefree time before my day was structured around sleep schedules was actually pretty blissful.
Here are 10 little things I think every mum-to-be should do before her life changes – in the best possible way, of course!
1. Order a second coffee
Pre-baby me always had time for a second coffee. In fact pre-baby me also enjoyed long breakfasts and cafe hangs. Post-baby me, however, is wrangling my toddler and preschooler as I frantically order a takeaway to take to the playground. You get the picture. Order the second coffee while you can.
BUT as much as I miss all of the above, and I probably miss sleep the most, I can tell you that this bub is going to be the best thing to ever happen to you. And you’ll be back wearing earrings again someday!