Be aware! 20 hidden health hazards lurking in your home

Posted in Safety.

You may have plugged up the electrical sockets, affixed safety gates and also taken note of the most common choking risks to your baby, but there are many other hazards lurking in your home that you need to be aware of. Let’s face it, babies and toddlers are curious little creatures with no risk assessment sills!

When I researched the hazards for this gallery, I was surprised by some of the unsuspecting ones that I found. Even if you are aware of most of them, have a flick through just in case you are also surprised and need to take note.

Wire toy and washing hampers

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Confession. This is a picture of my eldest son being a 'caterpillar' in two of his springy wire toy storage hampers. I didn't realise these were even a danger until I started this gallery - oops! The risk is that the wire can come loose from the fabric and cut little eyes. If you have one of these, check it for a protective wire cover and get rid of it when the fabric starts to fray.


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