11 easy ways to boost your baby’s immunity

Posted in Baby Health.

If your baby is always getting sick, then you may take some comfort in knowing it’s normal for babies to catch between eight and ten colds in their first year of life. As their little immune system builds up, babies are vulnerable to getting sick – and (sorry to say!), this is an inevitable rite of baby passage. While you are certainly not the only mum dealing with a clingy baby in the middle of the night, you can give her a helping hand in fending off the bugs quicker. 

Check out these 11 immunity boosters.

10. Serve up lots of fruits and veggies

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We all know how important it is to consume fresh fruits and veggies and the same goes for your baby. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, this is up to you, mama! If your little one is on solids, you can mash, grate or even scatter a few finger-sized pieces on your baby's highchair tray to get him practicing his pincer grip.


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