19 great shows to binge-watch during those never-ending late night feeds

Posted in Feeding.

Looking for something to watch in the dead of night, when every other loafer in your house is asleep?! Need a series that can be gobbled up, while your hungry baby is on the boob or bottle?

Here’s some great places to start, if you’re keen to watch something other than your gorgeous bub …

16. The Tudors

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I'm so into period dramas, so there's admittedly quite a sprinkling in this list. 'The Tudors' is a firm fave because it's a sort of frocked-up olde worlde soap opera that sneaks a peek into the (pretty terrible) reign of King Henry VIII. Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Natalie Dormer head a wonderful cast. Four seasons await you, on Stan.


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