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The Dangers of Balloons to Our Babies

The Dangers of Balloons to Our Babies

Katie and Jonathan Chamberlain lost their nine-month-old son in May 2018 after he choked and died on a balloon made of latex. The couple posted on social media to warn other parents about the dangers of balloons. We’re sharing it again to remind parents of the dangers of balloons to our babies these seemingly harmless household objects can be deadly.

You’re likely to smile when you see balloons. They can’t help but make you smile. We’ve grown to love them because they’re cheerful and bright, and we associate them with happy events like birthday celebrations for kids and graduations. They’re even more popular in our post-pandemic society, where we’re unable to attend celebrations but still want to mark the big occasions of life. Although decorating with balloons during the pandemic may seem like an easy way to have some socially distant fun, there are other dangers.

The dangers that balloons pose to wildlife and the environment are being questioned more and more. Several cities and states have banned mass balloon releases, and other legislation is in the works. We outline below the main concerns that doctors and scientists have about these helium-filled orbs and offer some alternatives to consider for your next party.

The most likely to cause fatal choking accidents are balloons

Experts warn that balloons can be dangerous and some families may be quite relaxed with them.

Dr Edgar Petras, a paediatric specialist, says that balloons are the most commonly used object to choke fatally.

CBS reports that between 1972 and 1992 449 American children aged under 14 died from choking on non-food products. “29% of these choking deaths are caused by balloons.” In the US, at least 68 children died from choking due to latex balloons between 1990 and 2004.

The Dangers of Balloons to Our Babies
The Dangers of Balloons to Our Babies

The disaster can strike extremely quickly.

Katie and Jonathan were aware that balloons are dangerous and they supervised their children when they played. However, it only took a stray balloon for their son to die.

Katie, a distraught mum of four, wrote on Facebook that she had no idea how dangerous the toys were.

She explains that her older children were playing with water balloons outside a few days before tragedy struck this family.

Katie warned that “just having them around” is a risk. In many cases, it’s too late to react if a balloon gets into your child’s mouth. You can’t just watch them as they play with balloons, because things can happen VERY quickly. They are light and sticky. “A deep breath is all that’s needed to send the balloon flying down your airway.

It was too late

Katie claims that her curious child spotted a balloon hidden on the floor of her lounge room.

Katie, who is heartbroken, writes: “The morning of the 31st May 2018 started like any other day. “I changed baby Justin and set him down on the floor of the living room to play after I fed him. I saw a balloon lying on the floor. It was quickly thrown out. “I failed to notice a second balloon.”

My 9-month old, while playing, discovered the balloon and stuck it in his mouth, as babies always do. I didn’t notice him putting it in his mouth, but I saw him gagging and I rushed to him in an attempt to recover whatever it was, but it was already too late.

“The balloon went straight down his airway after he inhaled and gagged (which was only as large as a straw around his age). His lips turned blue within a fraction of a second. I did the Heimlich immediately. Five backward thrusts. Nothing. “I turned him over, laid him down on the floor and grabbed my cell phone to call 911.”

Infant Boys Brothers in Basket and Balloons
Infant Boys Brothers in Basket and Balloons

All because of a stupid balloon

Katie was on hold for a short time, while she began CPR on baby Justin. Once she got through, an ambulance arrived in three minutes and took over Justin’s care.

“But it was useless. The balloon had completely blocked his airway. When EMT arrived they were unable to establish an airway. It took them roughly 15 minutes to get the balloon out. By that time my baby had gone into cardiac arrest. They worked on him for 30 minutes at the hospital but it was too late. All because of a stupid balloon.”

Katie urges other parents to not only undertake first aid training so they can respond quickly if their child is in trouble but also to ban balloons from their homes.

“It’s not worth the enormous risk for a few minutes of fun,” she writes. “It’s not worth the horrible guilt that you will feel if something happens to your child. Now, all we have left are memories, pictures, and a few of his belongings. There is no pain greater than that of a grieving parent.”

Our thoughts are with this family as they come to terms with the loss of their beautiful boy.

Tips on How to keep our children safe from balloons

  1. Supervise children: It is important to supervise children when they are near balloons to avoid accidents. Children should not be allowed to put uninflated or bursting balloons in their mouths. If a balloon deflates or pops, throw it away immediately to avoid accidental ingestion.
  2. Always throw away popped balloons: Deflated balloon pieces can be a choking risk for pets and children. Small children should not be left alone with balloons, even if they are still inflated.
  3. Do not let your children inhale Helium.: Inhaling helium was fun back then, but it deprives our brains of oxygen. A bit too much can be dangerous.

Lives are lost due to fun toys.

Sadly, other children have died as a result of playing with balloons, but it can be hard for parents to understand just how dangerous these ‘fun’ toys can be:

  • Five-year-old Lily Breen died in 2008 after her parents found her unconscious with a balloon stuck in her airway.
  • A two-year-old boy fatally choked on a balloon in April 2018.
  • A two-year-old boy lost his life while playing with a balloon in 2015.
  • An eight-year-old girl suffocated when she put a mylar balloon over her head.
  • A 10-year-old girl inhaled a balloon and died in 2013.

And these are just a handful of cases reported by media. There are many that escape media scrutiny while leaving families devastated.

Balloons and children’s safety

  • If you must have balloons, choose mylar balloons instead of latex balloons
  • Keep un-inflated latex balloons well out of reach of children
  • Supervise kids around balloons and remove any popped balloons immediately
  • Avoid having water balloons in your home
  • Note that long strings on balloons are also dangerous to children
  • Teach children that balloons are a dangerous choking hazard
  • Tell other parents how dangerous balloons can be

Choking hazard

There are several ways that balloons can cause accidents. Children can inflate balloons by sucking them into their mouths. Some children swallow balloons that they had been sucking or eating. Even broken balloon pieces can be a choking risk because they can easily get sucked up into the throat or lungs.

Preventing a child’s choking is best done by preventing them from eating a balloon. Children younger than eight years of age should not be allowed to use latex balloons. Collect the broken pieces of a balloon and place them away from the children. Mylar foil balloons are a good choice for a shiny balloon. However, adult supervision is required with all types of balloons.

This sheet will help you prepare in case of an emergency choking. This sheet will help you prevent your child from choking.

What are the choking hazards of food?

Any object that is small enough to block a child’s airway. This includes:

  • Food pieces that are too small, such as grapes, beans or popcorn, or foods that haven’t been well chewed.
  • Small household items such as buttons or marbles.
  • Small parts for toys
  • Button batteries are used in watches, cameras and other small electronic devices.

Choking signs

Choking symptoms include:

  • Violent coughing
  • When breathing in, you may hear a high-pitched noise.
  • Unable to cry, cough, or breathe
  • Face that becomes pale and blue-tinted
  • Clutching their throat
One Year Old Baby Girl with Balloons
One Year Old Baby Girl with Balloons

Steps to be taken when a child chokes.

Below are some instructions on what to do when your child is experiencing shortness of breath due to choking from a balloon.

  1. You should not put your finger in the mouth of the child to remove an object. You could push the object further into the child’s throat if you use your finger.
  2. Call 9-1-1. The airway may become completely blocked.
  3. Encourage the child until the object is expelled. Avoid the Heimlich manoeuvre. The child’s cough will do better than the Heimlich.
  4. Make sure that the object does not block the child’s throat.
  5. Use fast, short motions to thrust inward and upward. Don’t lift the child off the floor while doing this.

  6. Continue abdominal thrusts until the object comes out, the child can cough and breathe, the child becomes unconscious, or help arrives.

  7. Stand or kneel behind the child and wrap your arms around their waist.


It is important to prioritize balloon safety in order to have a safe and enjoyable experience at events and celebrations. You can enjoy balloons without worrying about safety by following these simple precautions.

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