Baby HealthParenting

The Best Breastfeeding Bottles And Pillows For Parents

With so many brands and types of bottles and pillows on the market, it’s hard to know which is the best for your baby. We’re here to share what features and options are available for the best breastfeeding bottles and pillows for parents

When you’re snuggling with your baby and caring for him, a breastfeeding pillow or a bottle-feeding pillow is your best friend.

These nursing pillows support your neck, back and arms and keep your baby comfortably attached. These pillows make it easier for babies who have reflux to feed by optimising the position. These pillows are also great for breastfeeding mothers, as they can prevent a ‘drag on the nipple’ and protect your breasts from cracks and scratches.

A nursing pillow is useful if you intend to breastfeed. It can help you find the most comfortable position for feeding your baby. These pillows offer arm and body support for feeding sessions, and they can also be used as a tummy-time pillow. We tested 16 different nursing pillows at home, with parents who are breastfeeding, to find the one that best suits your needs.

Search for a pillow that fits comfortably around your torso, and offers adequate support to both you and your child. We’ve also broken down the price of a breastfeeding pillow by features, brand, and material. We evaluated the nursing pillows for support, value, cleanliness, and quality over a month. Then, we selected the best to make the breastfeeding experience easier.

The Best Pillows Available For Parents

1. Ergobaby Natural curve nursing pillow 

This pillow will come in handy for parents not only during feeding time but also when their baby is doing tummy time.

What do parents have to say?

Loved this pillow!” The pillow is super firm and the fabric is soft, well-stitched and beautifully crafted. And the curve is perfect! This slight angle eliminates the need for nighttime burping, which allows the baby to go back to sleep while mama can relax. !

The Best Breastfeeding Bottles And Pillows For Parents
The Best Breastfeeding Bottles And Pillows For Parents

2. Dr Brown’s Gia Nursing Cushion 

The Gia nursing pillows were designed by a lactation specialist. They feature a patented design that positions the baby at an angle to promote digestion and prevent reflux.

What do parents have to say?

“I have an acid reflux baby and I realized that I was lifting my heel to keep her at a slight incline while using her Boppy pillow. This pillow was recommended to me after my heel began to throb in pain. It was well worth the money! This pillow is a hit with my daughter .”

3. Mamaway Feeding pillow

This stylish moon-shaped pillow provides extra support to parents who are breast or bottle-feeding. It is softly curved and comfortable to make feeding times extra cozy.

What do parents have to say?

The pillow has a great support. It’s great that you can strap it to your body.

Cute Adorable Baby Sleeping On Breastfeeding Pillow
Cute Adorable Baby Sleeping On Breastfeeding Pillow

4. My Brest Friend Blue Stripe Nursing Pillow 

This pillow is designed to provide support for your baby and prevent them from slipping or rolling during breastfeeding. The wrap-around design encourages good posture and helps maintain optimal feeding and latch position.

What do parents think about the issue?

“I’m so glad I bought it!” I noticed a change in my posture immediately after using this pillow. Nursing can make a bad back worse. This pillow keeps me from slouching too far forward. It’s also great for my older children to use as extra support while holding their baby brother .”

5. Boppy Original Nursing pillow 

Boppy Original Pillow, an award-winning product, provides you with back and arm relief by allowing your baby to be in a more ergonomic feeding position.

What do parents think about this?

You will use it all day every day. I received one as a present and ordered another so that I could have one on the main floor and one in my den. This pillow is very cute, and the cover comes off so you can wash it.

6. Medela Maternity Pillow and Nursing Pillow 

Medela’s Nursing Pillow features a comfortable body-hugging style and is filled with a silent, micro pearl filling that provides support for your arms, neck, and back when breastfeeding. The pillow also helps to keep babies in the right position when feeding.

What do parents think about this?

I love how this breastfeeding cushion is shaped to hug your body, making it comfortable. It was so much easier to breastfeed with this pillow than without one. I used it a lot for many of my kids. The price is a little higher than other brands, but it’s worth the investment as you will use this pillow every day .”

7. Blue Milkbar lifestyle pillows 

This stylish, compact and portable breastfeeding pillow ensures the baby’s head is in an optimal position for breastfeeding.

What do parents have to say?

My baby was at the perfect height and fell asleep for hours on it the two times I fed there. My baby was the perfect height on the pillow and fell asleep for many hours the two times that I fed there .”

8. Chicco Boppy Pillows 

This pillow will help parents maintain a comfortable position for feeding and reduce tension in their arms, shoulders, neck, and back. This pillow supports the baby and helps them feel comfortable during feeding.

What do parents have to say?

“I bought this recently to help me with night feedings when I am tired and do not have the energy to lift my baby. The fabric is cute and it fits well. The fabric is super cute and has stopped me from hunching to feed, which has helped my back .”

The Best Breastfeeding Bottles

Mother Breastfeeding Her Baby
Mother Breastfeeding Her Baby

What to consider when buying bottles for breastfed babies

  • Material “Safe, BPA-free materials are a necessity,” says Dr. Alhassani. “Make sure the material you choose is safe and durable, whether it’s plastic, silicone or glass. Each has its pros and cons.” Glass bottles will not absorb odours or chemicals. They are also less likely to discolour with time. They are also more expensive, heavier and breakable. Plastic bottles are cheap and easy to clean, but they can discolour or absorb odours if not washed immediately after use. Silicone bottles are the most skin-like, but they can leak or spill. They also absorb odours and become discoloured over time. You can get silicone nipples or silicone blends. Latex nipples also exist. Bell warns that “latex may be soft, but it is less durable because of faster wear. Some individuals, such as infants, could also be allergic.
  • Size and Shape: Most bottles come in narrow, extra-wide, or wide widths. The narrow bottle is perfect if you want to maximize your horizontal storage space. Wider bottles are usually curved, making them easier to handle. Bottles are sold with capacities between 2 and 9 ounces. Preemies and newborns are given two-ounce bottles; the majority of infants use four-, five-, eight—, or nine-ounce bottles.
  • Nipple flow: This is the speed at which the milk comes out of the bottle. The majority of brands label their nipple flow numbers, ranging from slow through to fast. The flow can be categorized by number (1 to 4) or speed. Some brands offer an extra-slow speed for preemies or an extra-fast flow for older babies. Breastfed babies’ milk flow is slower by nature, so the bottles are designed to be used at the slowest speed. If you’d prefer, you can switch to a nipple that flows faster. Just be prepared to purchase those nipples individually.
  • Nipple Form: Some manufacturers make specially designed nipples to mimic a breast to avoid confusion. Janakos explains that there is no such thing as a human-like nipple. This suggestion is a marketing tool. Billingsly warns parents against using orthodontic bulb-shaped Nipples. Breastfed babies have a deeper latch and a more coordinated suctioning motion, which engages different muscles than those used for bottle-feeding. Orthodontic-shaped nipples might not encourage the same suction technique. This could lead to confusion in the baby’s mind when switching from breast to bottle.
  • Venting, and other special features: Most bottles for babies have a vent to prevent air from entering the nipple. This design feature can be found in the nipple, bottle ring or base of the bottles. Many nipples have been designed to prevent collapsing or to keep babies sucking as they normally do when breastfeeding. Dr Alhassani recommends that you avoid bottles with bright colours and decorations. He says they are less distracting for the baby and easier to clean.
  • Ease Of Cleaning: Cleaning up bottles is not on the list of most fun activities. Some bottle designs can be difficult to clean, especially if milk is left in the bottles for too long. You don’t need to buy a special brush to clean bottles with extra parts. Instead, choose bottles without extra nooks or crannies. Billingsly reminds parents that “proper cleansing can minimize deterioration of bottles and prolong their usability.” Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for cleaning and sterilizing bottles.
  • What your Baby Wants: In the end, it’s up to your baby which bottles you choose. It’s common for parents to try several different bottles before they find one that their baby likes. It’s important to find bottles that are easy for them to hold, have nipples that fit with the latch and do not cause colic or stomach upset.

How to use baby bottles safely

Proper bottle use begins with safe handling of breast milk when bottle-feeding with breast milk.

Bottles With Breast Milk For Baby For Babies
Bottles With Breast Milk For Baby For Babies

Handling and Storage of Breast Milk

  • Containers must be cleaned and sterilized.
  • Hands should always be washed before storing breast milk or preparing it for consumption.
  • After four days at room temperature or four hours of freshly expressed milk being stored in the fridge, it is best to freeze the milk for long-term storage. 2
  • The AAP recommends a deep freeze over a standard one for longer storage.

Bottle Cleaning

CDC recommends cleaning baby bottles after each feeding. 4 Before washing the bottle in a dishwashing machine, make sure it is dishwasher-safe. Disassemble the bottle completely and place it on the top rack. This is what most manufacturers recommend. Consider using a basket for added safety to avoid small parts getting stuck in the filter of your dishwasher and being damaged. Set the dishwasher on a heated drying and hot water cycle for best results. You don’t have to sanitize separately if you use the heated-drying cycle.

The CDC recommends that you:

  • Hands should be washed with soap and warm water before handling bottles.
  • Disassemble and wash the bottle parts in running water.
  • Place them in a clean basin.
  • Fill the basin up with hot water, and then add soap.
  • Clean items with a bottle brush.
  • To thoroughly clean nipples, squeeze water through the holes.
  • Remove soap by rinsing the parts with fresh water.
  • Set the cleaned parts on a towel and allow them to air dry.

If your baby has an immune system that is weakened or less than two months old, you should sanitize the bottles after each use. You can either use an electric or microwaveable sanitiser or submerge the parts of the bottle in boiling water for five minutes. According to the CDC sanitizing bottles for older babies is not necessary as long as you wash them thoroughly after each use.

Use the Bottles Properly

Before each use, inspect bottles for any damage. Nipples that are torn can be dangerous. Never heat a bottle in the microwave. Choose a bottle warmer instead or warm the bottle in a bowl with warm water. Test the milk on your baby before you give it to them.

The AAP reminds caregivers that they should pay attention to the flow of the nipple. If your child is gagging, or gulping the flow is too rapid. If your child is sucking or becoming frustrated, then the flow may be too slow. Make sure the bottle is properly angled to avoid air getting into the milk.


When you’re breastfeeding a baby, the thought of choosing a bottle and pillows for babies can feel overwhelming. Whether you want a partner or family member to join in the feeding process, or you are preparing to send your little one to childcare, finding the best bottle and pillows that work well probably feels pretty important.

Here we can help you how to choose the best breastfeeding bottles and pillows for parents that are safe to use for your babies.


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