What to do when your toddler’s favourite word is “No!”

You: “Would you like to see Grandma?” Your toddler: “No!” You: “Do you like Grandma?” Your toddler: “No!” You: “Why don’t you like Grandma?” Your toddler: “No!” When the ‘no stage’ is upon you, it can feel like your little one’s vocabulary consists of only one word. With those two little letters, she kills any […]

Woman uses the EXACT SAME baby names as her sister. Twice

A post on popular parenting forum Mumsnet has many (including us) scratching their heads and wondering what possible justification there could be for this copycat behaviour. “Am I being unreasonable?” The poster, with username McCormick1988, writes that the names she’s used for her two children have now been mimicked by her own sister. She says the copycat names didn’t […]

11 canteen foods from our childhood that are off the menu today

When we were growing up, the school canteen was like the Wild West of questionable nutrition, focusing more on convenience and commercial snacks than healthily filling little tummies up. Since then, things have shifted dramatically. It’s out with the questionable (but often delicious!) and in with the wholesome.  Perhaps you recognise some of these rare […]