9 signs your baby is a baby no more

Parenthood is a journey like no other. Creating a tiny human is amazing and, naturally, you fall more in love daily watching your little precious baby grow. And grow they do. Blink and your baby becomes a toddler. One minute they’re snuggled in the tiniest of outfits. The next they’re outgrowing their size ones, and […]

Secretly co-sleeping with your baby? You’re not the only one

A new study spearheaded by Susan Stewart, a professor of sociology at Iowa State University, discovered that 50 percent of parents studied were keeping their co-sleeping habits a secret from friends, family, and even their child’s paediatrician. Musical beds Susan’s compiled the results of her research in a new book, Co-Sleeping: Parents, Children, and Musical Beds. She said that despite pressure to avoid […]

All the things I wish I’d known before I had a c-section

When I opted for a c-section with my first (very large) baby, I naively assumed it was a simpler, fuss-free alternative to natural delivery. But surprise! Birth is complicated and unpredictable, no matter which way you go about it. So if you’re considering going down the surgical route, here are some of the unedited realities […]