“Pregnancy did not cure my endometriosis”: A new mum shares her story of endo

A very common misconception about endometriosis is that the condition can be cured with pregnancy. Speaking to physiotherapist and pelvic floor expert, Heba Shaheed in our new Babyology podcast, Bellies, Bits and Babies, new mum Melanie says that pregnancy certainly didn’t cure her endometriosis – but it did change her symptoms. “To be brutally honest” […]

Toilet training vs toilet timing: What’s the difference?

There are a lot of fallacies surrounding small children’s pee and poop, and mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue has got to the bottom (sorry) of quite a few in her time as one of our resident Parent School and Helpline experts. Spot the difference Clarifying the difference between toilet training and toilet timing, Chris says mixed […]

7 negotiation strategies to use with your toddler

Toddler tantrums are an inevitable part of parenting but a little preparation can go a long way when it comes to negotiating with your spirited child.  Sometimes parenting can feel like you’re a police negotiator and your sanity’s being held hostage. A toddler’s list of demands can be as endless as it is irrational, but […]