Clever cookies: 13 fascinating facts about our toddlers

What’s irresistibly cute, can out-energise the Energizer Bunny, comes with a penchant for demolition and usually has sticky fingers? That’s right – it’s the beloved toddler, and they are MIGHTY. Toddlerhood is an incredibly rich phase of development for kids, and when you get your head around what’s actually going on with these little guys, […]

A no-nonsense guide to growing a happy, healthy vegetarian baby

Vegetarian kids have unique nutritional requirements when it comes to healthy eating. Here’s how to ensure their needs are (deliciously) met and their tummies are full. Is a vegetarian diet recommended, though? The American Dietetic Association (ADA) last year released a paper stating that a vegetarian diet can set kids up for lifelong healthy eating patterns and […]