5 benefits of make-believe play for children

On the surface, make-believe fun and dress-ups might seem like a giggle-inducing load of child’s play, but if you dig a little deeper you’ll discover that kids are learning big lessons as they try these pint-sized characters on for size. 1. Empathy What better way to put yourself in someone else’s shoes than by literally putting yourself in their shoes […]

How to help your child give up the dummy

Does your child love their dummy? It’s totally normal and fine if they do. And if you find they’re a helpful tool, stick with it. If, however, you’re starting to think the dummies need to go, there are some gentle ways to help your child give them up.

7 ways pregnancy is different the second time round

Going back for seconds? You (and your body) have been through pregnancy before, but somehow everything is a little bit different the second time around. Here’s how: 1. You can’t keep it a secret for long Remember how you waited until you were exactly 12 weeks pregnant with baby #1 before you did the Big Tell? […]