Best for baby: 10 essential toys for baby’s first year

Your baby is learning in leaps and bounds in their first year of life and naturally you want to provide them with the best toys to aid their development through this crucial time. However there are so many toys out there that the choice can be overwhelming! Occupational Therapist Cindy Chuan says the best toys […]

Easy play ideas: 5 natural opportunities to help your baby learn through play

Right from the beginning of your baby’s life, play can promote your little one’s physical, cognitive, social, emotional and language development. Occupational Therapist Cindy Chuan points out, “Play is your child’s ‘occupation’. Children learn incidentally through play, and play to learn. They build confidence, social skills, language, cognitive and physical skills. Children explore, imagine and […]

Mum shares urgent warning over delayed symptoms of lethal food allergy

When Texas mum Julie Ferrier Berghaus took her three-year-old to hospital to undergo allergy testing, she had no idea that it would spark a life-threatening reaction – and provide vital health information that would safeguard her daughter in the future. Which nuts? Julie took Maren in for a controlled tree nut challenge — where doctors give her small doses […]

6 sneaky ways parents grab an extra chunk of ‘me time’

A 2018 study that found dads frequently use the bathroom to hide for their families and sneak a little bit of me-time on their phones. The research quickly went viral as the mums of the world collectively sighed “well, duh.” And while the old 45-minutes-on-the-loo trick might be more of a dad-focused behaviour, we have […]