Name nope: Baby naming laws from around the globe

Posted in Baby Names.

In many countries, kids are protected from the outlandish names their parents choose, but in others (hello USA) it’s pretty much free rein and you may literally (and regrettably) run into a child called “Adolf Hitler” – despite the authorities’ best efforts.

Here’s the skinny on how the world names – and doesn’t name – their littlies.

United States

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Naming laws for babies vary wildly from state to state in the US, with the overarching theme of having few restrictions.

Some states have zero naming laws, while others deem names with numeric elements or obscenities out of bounds.

The name '1000' is banned, for instance, while the name One-Thousand is allowed.

A child named Adolf Hitler Campbell was deemed to have a legal name, yet was later removed from his parents for other abuse-related issues.


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