Helpline: Hourly wakings through the night, food refusal and more

Posted in Feed Play Love.

Babies and small children can be little mysteries wrapped up in chubby cheeks and winning smiles. When you need help solving your own little mystery – whether it’s challenges sleeping, feeding or behavioural issues, it can help to ask someone with experience and expertise. Helpline gives you the opportunity to speak to one of our experts. In this episode of Helpline, sleep consultant Jo Ryan tackles the following challenges:

  • A seven-and-a-half-month-old waking hourly through the night
  • A ten-month-old waking super early (before 5AM)
  • A 22-month-old refusing to eat
  • Concerns for a one-year-old breastfed baby starting daycare
  • Three-year-old tantrums and the intersection of dropping naps
  • Suggestions for play and activities with a 13-month-old
  • A three-year-old sucking on random objects

For more help and to speak with a qualified expert check out Babyology’s Parent School.

Listen to Jo Ryan on Feed Play Love:

Helpline will be back with Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue next week. You can contact us by doing any of the following:

Helpline LIVE with sleep expert, Jo Ryan

Wondering how to keep your toddler in bed past 5:30am, or how to settle bub without the tears? … Whatever your parenting question is, Jo Ryan is here to answer it! Just leave your question in the comment box below and watch for her helpful answer.

Posted by Babyology on Sunday, November 15, 2020

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.


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