SAHM shows husband what she really “does all day” with epic timelapse video

Posted in Family.

Fed up with being asked by her partner what she does all day, this stay at home mum has created the ultimate response in the form of a timelapse video. 

 Look at this, hubby!

“All weekend my lovely partner has been moaning that I do nothing all day, so I thought I’d show him a full day,” Gemma Chalmers wrote on Facebook.

The tenacious mama filmed and sped up her every minute as a ‘mum on the job’ and the awesome video is frightfully on point.

Gemma Chalmers and son selfie

Image credit: Gemma Chalmers Facebook

No break

Not surprisingly, the busy mum’s day is jammed full of doing a seemingly endless number of tasks for her cute two-year-old son, Kayle, while continually cleaning up the house as she goes.

“Before I even started this video I had two smashed glasses to clean up as the little man thought it’d be funny to throw them off the kitchen unit,” she explains in the post. “I emptied the dishwasher, gave the little man breakfast, managed to get a quick shower (with the little man coming and checking on me throughout), changed his bum and got dressed myself.”

All weekend my lovely partner has been moaning that I do nothing all day, so I thought I’d show him a full day. Before I even started this video I had two smashed glasses to clean up as the little man thought it be funny to throw then off the kitchen unit. I emptied the dishwasher, gave the little man breakfast, managed to get a quick shower(with the little man coming and checking on me throughout) changed his bum and got dressed myself.I actually find having a day of work more like a day off. So Mr Jones no more saying “enjoy your day off” or “what have you done all day” because the answer is….. Iv been a mummy all day…Also a cleaner, a driver, a cook, a storyteller, a nurse, a playmate, a toddler wrestling coach, a teacher, an art Director, a potty trainer, a Champion tickler, a wardrobe stylist, a personal dresser, a laundry operator, a personal shopper, and many more. My 12 hour day in 8 minutes ?This is exclusively managed by Caters News. To license or use in a commercial player please contact or +44 121 616 1100 / +1 646 380 1615

Posted by Gemma Chalmers on Wednesday, 13 December 2017

A day in her life

From the moment she hits ‘record’, Gemma doesn’t stop. The video starts with her trying to get Kayle ready for the day (he’s more interested in looking at a book). It then films her making multiple trips up and down the stairs and cleaning as she goes. After tidying the kitchen, hallway and some toys, Gemma and Kayle head to playgroup at 10am.

When they get back home, it’s time for Kayle’s nap but he isn’t having a bar of it (sound familiar?). After winning the sleep battle, Gemma then has some “time off” – she does more chores, a ton of laundry and wraps some Christmas gifts. Then, she sits down for a bite to eat.

Not long after Gemma finishes her meal, Kayle wakes up for his own lunch. There’s more fuss and frustration as Gemma wrangles him from standing on the kitchen bench to his seat. While he eats she packs a bag for their next outing, an appointment.

When they get back, she indulges in every mum’s favourite part of the day ‘allocated screen time’ but rather than make herself a tea, she takes the time to straighten up her son’s play area, organising his toys, books, and clothes before making Kayle’s dinner. Gemma is also a nail technician and then sees some of her clients before rushing to prep dinner for herself and her partner. At bedtime, Kayle fusses some more before finally going to sleep around 8.30pm.

By the time filming cuts off, you can’t help but feel as pooped as Gemma probably does.

Dear Mr. Jones

In a message to her partner she writes:

“So Mr. Jones, no more saying ‘enjoy your day off’ or ‘what have you done all day?’ Because the answer is I’ve been a mummy all day. Also a cleaner, a driver, a cook, a storyteller, a nurse, a playmate, a toddler wrestling coach, a teacher, an art director, a potty trainer, a champion tickler, a wardrobe stylist, a personal dresser, a laundry operator, a personal shopper, and many more.”

Gemma Chalmers family

Image credit: Gemma Chambers Facebook

Mums everywhere are cheering

After posting the video online, Gemma has received positive feedback from loads of overworked and underappreciated stay-at-home parents thanking her for taking a snapshot of their day.

“Every mum I know has said they have shown it to their husbands and they just kept their mouths shut,” Gemma told the Mirror UK. “And it’s not just mums, full-time dads said it was really accurate.”

Sadly, Gemma’s partner is still unconviced that she does all she filmed in a typical day.

“John is not convinced yet. He was like, ‘you don’t do all that.’ I might even make another one now just because of the amazing reaction it got.”

Being a stay at home mum is work 

So is being a working mum, a part time working mum and a work from home mum who is trying to juggle it all, I realise. The fact is, all types of mums work bloody hard and we are all exhausted.

I know for me though, that I couldn’t be a full time stay at home mum. For two days a week my boys go to daycare while I work – and it is honestly a nice change for me. I love them to bits and I also love being a mum but I think I need a break from it all. The tiredness I feel at the end of my work day isn’t the same as the tiredness I feel after a day of muming.

So hats off to stay at home mums everywhere. We all know you work damn hard!



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