Little moments: Twitter post about family traditions will make you smile

Posted in Family.

I love thinking about the memories my kids will have of growing up and try to set up new family traditions and experiences that I know they’ll recall for years to come.

When I think back to my childhood, it’s specific experiences that stand out. Like swimming with my cousins in Queensland. Or my favourite uncle taking me shopping and slipping the latest Enid Blyton book into the trolley for me to discover at home.

It’s the little moments, the ones that make you feel loved and special at the time, that you remember years later. Most of us have these special memories of growing up, that can usually be tied back to a family member or caregiver.

So when popular Twitter user Mikki Kendall started a thread with one of her favourite memories growing up, she invited others to share their traditions and best memories of growing up.

Little traditions make the best memories

The popular writer wrote:  “My grandma & I had a tradition where we would go get our hair done, come home eat French fries & watch TV together,” she wrote. “It’s why I love mysteries & westerns & soaps. What is your favourite parent/grandparent/guardian memory & how does it still influence you?”

The responses came thick and fast, reminding everyone of how special family is – and how lucky we are to have felt loved as kids:

It also makes you think about what’s really important in life. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negativity of the news, the state of the world or the life we should be living according to Instagram. But those special family traditions and memories of belonging cost nothing – and they mean everything. A lot of us are lucky enough to have them, and for us parents, we can create these with our own children.

The best news of all? We don’t need to make amazing experiences with our children so they’ll recall what an exciting time they had as a child. Just being with us, experiencing the relationship they have with their family is what they’ll cherish. Helping you prepare dinner, making them laugh at bedtime, getting them up in the morning with a kiss and a cuddle … that’s what they’ll remember.


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