How to Tell if Your Newborn is Hungry
How to Tell if Your Newborn is Hungry: A Visual Guide for Parents
Bringing home a new baby is an experience that will change your life. It’s filled with excitement, wonder and, let’s be honest, plenty of moments of unease. Understanding their baby’s requirements is one of the most difficult things for new parents to do. Hunger is the first thing that comes to mind. Many first-time parents are left wondering what to do when their baby is crying because they don’t have a manual. It’s your job as a parent to understand the signals that newborns use to communicate their needs. Knowing when your baby needs to eat and how to react can make a big difference in making mealtimes a pleasant and calm experience for you and your child.
This expanded guide will walk you through how to recognize your baby’s hunger cues and what to do if they are upset or too frantic for feeding. Simone Casey is a breastfeeding counsellor at the Australian Breastfeeding Association. She offers expert advice. We will also discuss the importance of feeding your baby on demand, as opposed to sticking to a strict feeding schedule. Cluster feeding and tips for soothing a baby are also covered. This guide is a great resource for first-time parents, as well as those expecting another child and looking to refresh their knowledge.

The Newborn Communication System – Hunger Cues
It’s amazing that babies are born with the ability of communicating with us in a non-verbal way. It takes parents some time to understand their baby’s body language and sounds. If we are aware of the signs, babies will give us a clear indication when they’re hungry. The signals are subtle at first, so you need to be quick to respond to your baby to prevent him from becoming upset.
Simone Casey explains how important it is to recognize your baby’s cues for hunger early so that you can avoid the frantic behavior that occurs when a child is very hungry. The problem is when you ignore those early cues, and the baby reaches the stage where they start screaming, it’s much more difficult to feed them. She says that it’s not only about feeding, but also about calming down your baby before you feed them to make sure the experience is pleasant and stress-free.
Early recognition of hunger cues will make feeding easier and prevent stress from an overly hungry baby that is crying. Let’s look at the most common ways to identify your baby’s appetite.
Early Hunger Signs: Recognizing Early Hunger Signs
When babies are hungry, they do not immediately cry. You can learn to recognize the early signs of hunger before your baby starts crying. Here are the most common signs of hunger.
1. Rooting reflex (Mouth movements)
The rooting reflex is one of the first signs that your baby will show you. When a child is hungry, he will turn his head to the touch of their cheeks or breasts, open their mouth, and start sucking. This rooting reflex indicates that your child is actively searching for food.
You can easily spot the mouth movements. Your baby may open and shut their mouths, smack on their lips or even suck their fingers or hands. All of these actions indicate that your baby is beginning to feel hungry and wants to communicate this.
2. Head bobbing and nuzzling
When your baby begins to “head-bob” toward your chest (also known as “head-bobbing”), it is a sign of hunger. This is a natural behavior that babies exhibit when searching for the bottle or breast. You may notice your baby bobs their head repeatedly in the early stages. It’s almost like they are trying to latch onto something.
When they’re hungry, babies will often press their faces into your chest or nuzzle you. You may see them making movements towards your breast as if they were preparing to latch. This behavior indicates that your baby has noticed the source of food and is trying get closer.
3. Sucking with Hands or Fists
When they are hungry, babies will often sucke on their hands or fingers. It’s one of the first signs of hunger and is often misinterpreted as a baby trying to soothe themselves. Although sucking is a common comforting technique, it can also be a sign of hunger.
If your baby continues to sucke on his hands after eating, he may be still hungry or needing comfort. It is possible that your baby may be sucking on their hands after they have eaten. This could simply be because they need comfort, or help with digestion or gas.
4. Increased movement, restlessness and fidgeting
They will usually show signs of discomfort and restlessness before they start crying. You may see them wiggle or stretch their arms and legs. A hungry baby may also make frantic movements, become irritable and appear to be searching for something to grab onto.
If you notice that your baby is restless before they start crying, this could be a sign that they are ready to eat. Waiting too long can cause them to become more frantic, making it more difficult for you to feed your baby.
5. Quiet Alert State
Your baby will sometimes be awake, but calm. They may look around and make eye contact. It is the perfect time to breastfeed your baby when they are in this quiet alert state. During this phase, babies are usually receptive to food and are ready to eat. When they look around, wiggle their hands and make little noises they are probably telling you that they are hungry.
It is ideal to feed your baby during this quiet phase. A calm baby will latch and feed better than one who is crying and upset.

How to Deal with a Baby Who is Frantic or Upset
It may be more difficult to feed your baby if they have already moved past the early signs and started crying or getting frantic. Babies can get upset when they are hungry and may have difficulty focusing. When a baby is in a distressed state, it can be difficult to feed them.
Try to calm your baby down before you offer them the breast. You can do this by gently rocking your baby, swaddling him, or making soothing sounds and motions. You can offer a pacifier, or rub their back to relieve any gas.
When babies are upset it is often more difficult for them to latch. Take the time to calm down your baby before you try to feed them. A relaxed baby will be more likely to latch.
Understanding the Suck Swallow Breathe Pattern during Feeding
Once your baby latches on to the breast, there are some key signs you should be aware of. Most babies will develop a rhythm of “sucking, gulping, breathing” as they nurse. You should hear your baby taking in milk after each few suckings. This helps to ensure that your baby gets the nutrition it needs. If your baby doesn’t show any signs of swallowing or you don’t hear or see swallowing sounds after several suckings, this could mean that they are distracted, not breastfeeding properly or that the milk flow isn’t good.
It is not uncommon for babies to begin sucking before releasing briefly and then resume their sucking. This release and relatching is part of the learning process for babies, especially during their first few weeks. If this pattern persists or your child seems frustrated, you may have a latch problem and need to adjust the positioning. You should be patient with your baby and support them in maintaining a good latch. You can try expressing a small amount of milk to see if it improves the flow, which may encourage your baby’s feeding.
Scheduled Feedings vs. Scheduled Feedings
As a parent, it is important to know that babies do not thrive with a rigid schedule of feeding. It may seem like a great idea to set up a routine to feed your baby. However, it is better to respond to the cues of your child rather than try to stick to a strict schedule.
When you feed your baby on demand, they will tell you when it is time to eat. This reduces the chance of them getting too hungry or upset. Baby’s hunger requirements can vary from one day to the next. They don’t follow a set schedule. Simone Casey says that feeding your baby on demand is more natural than forcing them to follow a schedule. This is especially true in the early months. She explains that trying to adhere to a rigid schedule can cause frustration in your baby and make them feel uneasy. “Babies don’t feed like robots. They have their own feeding patterns and that’s fine.”
Growing Spurts and Cluster Feeding
In the first weeks, cluster feeding is quite common. When your child wants to feed every few hours (usually in the late afternoon or evening), you can call it cluster feeding. Cluster feeding occurs most often during periods of growth when your baby requires more nutrition. Even if you find it exhausting, this is normal.
During growth spurts, babies may require more frequent feedings to increase their milk production. They may feed continuously for a few hours. After a series of feedings, your baby will sleep longer, giving both you and him a break. This intensive feeding period ensures that your baby receives the nutrition it needs to grow and can help establish a strong milk supply for you. It may seem like a marathon but it’s a temporary phase. This will pass as soon as your baby stabilizes their growth. These phases are normal and part of your baby’s development.

Conclusion: Trust your instincts and embrace the journey.
You will be able to navigate the early stages of parenting with more confidence if you can recognize your baby’s cues for hunger and respond with patience and calmness. It may take a while to learn how to best respond to your baby’s needs. With practice, and using the tips provided above, you will become more in tune with your baby’s needs and be able to feed them in a manner that feels comfortable and natural.
As a parent, trust your instincts. No one knows your child better than you. Do not hesitate to ask a pediatrician or lactation consultant for advice if you are unsure of your baby’s hunger cues. Feeding your baby is ultimately about creating a relationship and responding to the needs of your child with love and compassion. Every feeding is an opportunity for you to bond with your child and make sure they feel loved, safe and nourished.
You’ll feel more confident and comfortable in your ability as a parent if you pay attention to the hunger cues and learn calming techniques. Remember that you are not alone. Most parents experience the same process of learning, and they will only improve with time.