BabyBaby Health

How to Establish a Baby’s Bedtime Routine?

How to Establish a Baby’s Bedtime Routine?

There’s no secret about the fact that children under five need lots of sleep to develop and grow. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics getting enough sleep can help kids improve their mental and physical health, as well as build a stronger immune system. What is the best thing you can do for your baby to get the sleep they need? Early on, establish a routine for your baby’s bedtime.

Experts recommend bedtime routines because they provide a sense of stability for children from an early age. “Babies want to know what is going to happen next,” says Tammy Gold. She’s a certified parent trainer, the founder of Tammy Gold Nanny Agency, and the author of the best-selling book The Secrets of the Nanny Whisperer. It makes them feel safe.”

When should you begin a routine for your baby’s bedtime? What rituals are recommended? We asked experts to tell you everything you need about bedtime rituals for babies, such as why they are important and how you can shape them over time.

Baby Routines and Bedtime Routines are Important

Routines for putting babies to bed have many benefits. They offer a sense of security to children. Consistency is key because babies and toddlers thrive on structure, says Whitney Casares MD, pediatrician and author of Winning at Parenting without Losing Yourself. The same routine and time to go to sleep is reassuring for babies.

Rachel Mitchell, a pediatric sleep consultant certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics and founder of My Sweet Sleeper, suggests that a quiet wind-down ritual can help them transition from active awake times to restful sleeping periods. Mitchell says that without this transition, it is difficult for young children and babies to prepare their bodies and minds for sleep.

Research indicates that consistent bedtime rituals can help children fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and sleep better. The benefits of a consistent bedtime routine extend beyond sleep to include literacy, behavioural development and parent-child interaction. Baby bedtime routines can be a wonderful way to foster family bonds since they give children uninterrupted time each night with their caregivers.

How to Establish a Baby's Bedtime Routine
How to Establish a Baby’s Bedtime Routine

When to start a bedtime routine with your baby?

You may not think about it in the first days of your baby’s life but both experts agree that you can start a routine for bedtime with him/her from day one. Mitchell says that the routine doesn’t need to be rigid or formal. It can simply consist of a few steps to help prepare your baby for sleep. A newborn’s sleep pattern is not predictable, so you cannot set a sleep schedule by the clock. However, as you start to establish your baby’s sleep windows a simple bedtime routine can signal to them that it’s sleep time.

Some people say that the baby may settle into a predictable sleep pattern around 3 or 4 months old after they have moved past what experts refer to as the fourth trimester and can learn to soothe themselves.

How to Set Baby Routines for Bedtime?

As with any aspect of parenting, there may be some bumps in the road. All three experts share their best tips, tricks, and ways to solve problems for a successful bedtime routine.

  • Be consistent. “Setting an established bedtime for your child is essential to a good sleep routine,” Casares explains because it lets them know what to expect.
  • Allow yourself plenty of time to get your baby ready for bed. Sleepy cues, such as yawning, rubbing eyes, fussing, or having a dazed appearance, can help you determine when your baby is ready to go to bed. This is especially true for babies who do not yet have a set schedule.
  • Dissociate feeding and sleep. As your baby reaches the six-month mark, Casares suggests that it may be worthwhile to feed them first, then finish the rest of the bedtime routine. This will allow your child to get used to falling asleep without you. Gold also agrees that the baby could become dependent on the feed to fall asleep.
  • Finish with calming activities.
  • Limit Screen time before bed. This is a tip you’ve heard countless times, but it works. AAP advises to keep all screens out of the bedroom, particularly at night. This includes televisions, computers and laptops. Turn off screens an hour or more before bedtime to ensure that your child has a good night’s sleep.
  • Use a shorter routine before bedtime for naps.  Keeping the routine consistent is important, but you don’t have to do everything before bedtime. You can skip the pyjamas and brushing your teeth.
Sleep and Bed with Teddy Bear
Sleep and Bed with Teddy Bear

Baby Bedtime Routines

As part of your baby’s bedtime routine, you can engage in several age-appropriate activities. Mitchell says that as your child grows you will likely change the activities you do to reflect their age and developmental stage. As an example, a baby may need to be locked at bedtime, while a toddler will not. You may need to allocate different amounts of time for toddlers and babies. While a baby may only need to change a diaper before going to bed, a toilet-trained child will require more time.

What is the key to a successful baby’s bedtime routine? Be flexible and enjoy the time you spend with your child each night. Each child will wind down at their own pace and in their style. Casares says that parents need to adapt their child’s sleep routine as they grow older, but the timing and method of doing so is individual. It may be time for a change if your child is refusing to sleep or having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

Read on to learn some age-appropriate tips for getting your child ready for bed, from newborns through toddlers.

Newborn bedtime routines

Mitchell says that newborn bedtime routines do not have to be formalized or elaborate. After all, the baby is still getting used to life outside of the womb. Parents should instead focus on simple steps that they can take to teach their baby when it is time to go to bed. Swaddling, feeding, playing white sounds and rocking your baby to sleep are all part of a routine. Gold says that it can be a shock for a baby to fall asleep and then wake up in their crib.

Mitchell suggests that parents can add a bath to the mix once or twice a week. A newborn’s bedtime routine is usually 15 to 20 minutes long, but it can take longer if the baby needs to be fed or nursed.

Toddler bedtime routines

You can start your toddler’s nighttime routine by brushing their teeth, going to the toilet (or putting them in a new diaper or training pull-up), and putting on pyjamas. You can then read some books, sing some songs or snuggle up with your toddler for a bit before you turn out the light.

As your toddler grows older, they will become more involved in the bedtime routine. They’ll also want to assert their growing autonomy. Mitchell recommends that you allocate 45 minutes to one hour to your toddler’s nighttime routine. She explains, “Typically, routines at the toddler stage take a little longer than those in infancy due to the additional steps and independence.” Give your child some choices. She says, “I suggest giving your toddler as much choice as possible in the routine to promote sleep and independence.” You can ask them to pick their favourite book, pyjamas or toothbrush colour.

Even though toddler bedtime rituals may take longer than usual, they are still important. They not only help your toddler practice fine motor skills and decision-making but also provide a wonderful bonding experience that you can take advantage of as they grow older.

Bedtime Routine for Sleepy Infants
Bedtime Routine for Sleepy Infants

Creating An Amazing Bedtime Routine For Babys

It can be a challenge to get your baby to fall asleep at night, but you can help both yourself and your child.

You can create a relaxing bedtime routine to prepare your child for a blissful night’s sleep. By following the same routine each evening, bedtime won’t be a problem but a time for one-on-one sharing and love that you and your baby will look forward to.

Seven simple things to do before bedtime will help you and your baby enjoy this time together, allowing them to sleep peacefully through the night.

1. Take a bath

After a long day, a warm bath can be a great way to soothe a baby who is tired and anxious. Take a moment with your baby to spend some one-on-one quality time. Use a gentle wash for their skin. Listen to the happy gurgles of your child as they feel the warmth and calmness of the water on their skin and begin to settle down for the evening.

2. Give a gentle massage

Skin-on-skin touch is so good for babies. It is calming and relaxing and helps build a special bond between parents and children. After bathing your baby, give them a gentle massage with a soothing body oil or cream. Your skin touching your baby will make them feel secure, safe and ready to go to bed. It also allows you precious moments with your child.

3. Find the best nappy

Choose a nappy that will keep your child dry until morning. Lovekins will keep your child dry and comfortable while they sleep. Lovekins nappies have super absorbent outer and inner layers that will ensure your child has a good night’s sleep.

4. Enjoy some quiet play

After bathing, let your child enjoy quiet time on the rug with their favourite toys and books. Play a game of peek-a-boo, stack up blocks or look at pictures in their favourite book.

5. Story Time

It is important to read aloud to your children for their language growth, but they also love it. It’s also a great way to soothe parents, not just babies. Each evening, choose one or two short tales to read to your children. Enjoy a relaxing read in your favourite chair, with dim lighting. This time will be cherished by your baby as they are the only one in the room. You can relax at the end of a busy day. Your child will learn to recognise sounds and words as you read every night. The softness of your voice also helps them relax.

6. Sing a Song

You may not enjoy singing, but your baby will love it. A gentle song is the perfect way to send your child to sleep. Include one of your child’s favourite songs, nursery rhymes, or lullabies in their bedtime routine. It will make your baby look forward to bedtime every night.

7. Cuddle and kiss

As your child finally goes to bed, take a moment and snuggle up with them. As your child drifts into a peaceful and long sleep, give them a gentle pat on the back and a kiss goodnight.


It may take time to establish a routine for your baby’s bedtime, but if you start early enough, it can help both of you achieve future success in sleep. If you’re struggling to get your baby to stick with a consistent routine, you can always reach out to your pediatrician with questions and concerns about your specific circumstances–they’re there to help!

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