7 tell-tale signs your baby has a cold

Posted in Baby Health.

It can be so hard to know what your baby is going through when they’re unwell, and even harder for them to tell you!

A cold can last from a few days to over a week. Treat your child’s symptoms with plenty of fluids, rest, cuddles and (where appropriate) the recommended dosage of children’s paracetamol. Here’s a speedy cheat sheet to catch you up on seven symptoms of the common cold — and how and why they might present in your little one.

3. Fussiness and sleep issues

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If your baby has a cold, they may seem out of sorts and might have trouble sleeping due to a snuffly nose, headache or other cold-related symptoms. Alternatively, they might be sleeping MORE than usual as their body fights the viral infection.

Not only do small children suffer up to a dozen viral infections each year, they often develop when a beleaguered kiddo is recovering from an illness.


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