10 fab superfoods to include in bub’s diet once they start solids

Posted in Starting Solids.

‘Superfood’ may be the latest health-related buzzword but they’re really just everyday foods that are natural and high in nutrition and antioxidants. 

As your bub’s body and brain is developing at a rate of knots, including lots of beneficial foods into her diet will give her a great start.

Please note, these superfoods are in no particular order and the best thing you can do is give your baby a varied diet that’s rich in nutrition. 

Here are 10 superfoods we love for babies. 


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Previously eggs were off the menu for babies for 12 months due to allergy risks, but current research says we can give cooked eggs as a first food from six months. This is great because eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, good fats and various other lesser-known nutrients. Check with your GP if you are concerned about introducing eggs though.


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