Maternity munchies: 15 power-packed foods you can eat in EVERY trimester

Posted in Pregnancy.

While avoiding certain foods during pregnancy is important for the optimal health of women and their babies – think soft cheeses, salad bar snacks, sushi and the like – don’t lose heart, because there are a whole BUNCH of things you CAN eat! Things that will nourish you both – and taste really good too!

Let us take you through the most delicious AND nutritious foods to eat when you’re expecting …

7. Eggs

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The jury is still out on runny eggs, so they are best avoided, but well cooked (i.e. hard) eggs are an excellent and nutritious choice. Eggs contain choline which promotes baby's brain development and also vitamins B12 and D, which assist the development of a baby’s nervous system and support healthy birth weight.


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