7 need-to-know science-y facts about diet during pregnancy
You’ve already been told to avoid things like soft cheeses, salad bar fare and sushi while pregnant. But we’ve gathered a bunch of other diet fun facts for you to consider, so that you can approach your pregnancy nutrition optimally – with a firm eye on the science.
Don’t be too sad though. It all comes down to sensible, nourishing eating!
2. A healthy pregnancy diet benefits your child beyond their early years
Research suggests that a crappy diet during pregnancy can impact a child’s behaviour later in life.
A 2013 study found that poor pregnancy diet could increase the likelihood of a woman’s child developing aggressive or hyperactive behaviours, or experiencing other behavioural issues.
Professor Felice Jacka worked on this study and she told SBS News more about the findings.
“We did the first study involving over 23,000 women and their children showing that what mothers eat during pregnancy, as well as what children eat in the first few years of life, is clearly linked to children’s emotional behaviour and emotional regulation,” Prof Jacka explained.
“Emotional regulation in the early years is kind of a marker for vulnerability for mental health problems later on.”