
Babysitter Red Flags to Never Ignore

12 Babysitter Red Flags To Never Ignore

Here are some 12 Red Flags That You Should Not Ignore When Hiring A Babysitter

It is difficult and emotional for a parent to leave their child in the care of a stranger. It doesn’t matter if you’re going on a date, attending a meeting at work, or taking a well-deserved vacation, trusting someone else with your child is a big deal. The sitter’s experience and qualifications are important, but so is the feeling you get from them, as well as the safety and well-being of your child while you are away.

Although every parent hopes that the person hired is the right fit for them, it’s important to know that initial signs are not always enough to determine if the babysitter will be trustworthy. It’s only when you are on your own and out of the house that the whole picture becomes clear.

Truthfully, some things that initially seem innocent can become problematic later on when it comes to your child’s well-being. It is important to be aware of warning signs and red flags when you hire a babysitter. You should trust your gut instincts, whether it is their communication style, behaviour or the way they interact with your children.

This post will explore the 12 red flags parents should not ignore when choosing a babysitter. These signs can help you find someone who’s not just a babysitter, but also someone trustworthy, responsible and capable of caring for your child.

1. They don’t Respond to Texts and Calls Quickly

When hiring a babysitter, communication is key. You want to know that your babysitter will respond quickly and communicate effectively when you ask questions, confirm arrangements, or receive updates. It’s a big red flag if your babysitter fails to reply to calls or texts for several days or does not respond at all.

It may seem like a small thing at first but a response time that is slow or nonexistent could be a sign of a lack of professionalism or respect. Poor communication with babysitters can cause you to feel uncomfortable. They are responsible for caring for your children. A good babysitter will prioritize timely and clear communication. This builds trust and allows for any concerns to be addressed quickly.

It’s not uncommon for them to not respond right away. Perhaps they are busy with another child, or they have a lot on their plate. However, a persistent delay in responding could indicate that the person is not fully committed to his or her job.

Red Flags That You Should Not Ignore
Red Flags That You Should Not Ignore

2. They arrive later than expected

Punctual babysitters are a sign of professionalism and reliability. Your schedule can be affected and your stress level can increase if your babysitter consistently arrives late. You want to be sure that your babysitter will arrive on time, whether you are preparing for an important meeting or going out with friends.

You should always request that your sitter arrive at least 30 minutes before your departure time. It gives you the time you need to discuss any last-minute issues and you won’t be rushed. Arriving early gives your babysitter the time to get familiar with your home and your child’s daily routine.

It can be a sign of disorganization, or that the person is not respecting your time. This can cause you to worry as a parent. Be on the lookout for a pattern of tardiness.

3. They don’t follow your instructions

A babysitter’s most important job is to follow the rules that you have set up for the care of your child. These rules, whether they are dietary restrictions or screen time limitations, help maintain the routine and health of your child. It’s a big warning sign if your sitter ignores your instructions, such as by giving your child sugary treats, allowing them to watch too much TV, or keeping your child up past their bedtime.

If you are hiring a babysitter make sure that your expectations are communicated and the sitter respects them. It’s time to talk if you feel that your requests continue to be ignored. It’s okay to allow your sitter some latitude in their style of care. However, not following the basic guidelines can indicate a failure to care for or understand your child.

4. When you get home, your child is hungry, grumpy and tired

You want your child to be happy, healthy and rested when you get back from your trip. There will be times when your child may seem tired or cranky. However, if there is a pattern, such as being consistently hungry, grumpy or overtired, you should investigate.

A good babysitter will ensure that your child is getting the basic things he or she needs, such as regular meals, snacks and water. You must discuss with the babysitter any issues you may have when your child comes home hungry or without a nap. You can ask the sitter to explain what happened that day. Maybe they had difficulty getting your child a nap or eating. If the problem persists it may indicate that the sitter is not caring or understanding about your child’s specific needs. You should reconsider hiring the sitter.

Baby Sitter playing with a baby
Baby Sitter playing with a baby

5. They are reluctant to provide references

A reliable babysitter will always be happy to provide references to families that they have worked with in the past. It’s a big red flag if they are unwilling to provide references. References from previous employers can give you valuable information about the babysitter’s experience, reliability and overall quality of care.

If a babysitter refuses to give references, they may be concealing something or are not experienced enough to provide reliable feedback. Contact at least two references to build trust and confidence.

6. They can’t set boundaries or use forceful discipline

Your babysitter must respect and adhere to the rules of your family when it comes to discipline. Your child may not respect a sitter if they are unable to establish clear boundaries, or if they are too lenient. If they’re too strict, resorting to harsh discipline, such as yelling threatening or even physically punishing your child, this is a cause for concern.

A responsible sitter can set boundaries that are clear and consistent in a calm, firm manner. You should intervene if your child is confused or anxious about the rules or the sitter’s approach seems harsh or overbearing.

7. Your House is a mess when you return

A babysitter must respect your home and personal space. A babysitter should clean up any mess that may have been made by your child during their time together. When you come home and find toys all over the place or a mess, this may indicate a lack of respect for your house or child’s safety.

A messy home can pose other safety risks, such as tripping on toys or leaving dangerous objects unattended. You can expect your sitter to tidy up when the child is sleeping or getting ready for bed.

Baby Sitter reads a book to the children
Baby Sitter reads a book to the children

8. They don’t provide adequate information about the day

Communication is important in both directions. A good babysitter will keep you updated on the day’s events, whether it is how your child behaved or if there were any problems. When you ask your sitter about the day they may be vague, uncommunicative or dismissive. This could indicate that they’re hiding something or aren’t fully committed to giving you transparent feedback.

Your sitter should feel comfortable talking about both the good and the bad (like a sprained ankle or juice spilled). You should create a trusting environment where your sitter can share this information without feeling judged.

9. They Cancel at Short Notice

It’s not uncommon for life to intervene and prevent a sitter from showing up. However, if they cancel frequently with little or no notice, you need to act. Last-minute cancellations are stressful, whether they’re due to illness, other commitments or lack of responsibility.

A sitter who cancels frequently and without warning, or does not have a reliable backup plan, shows a lack of reliability. Consistently cancelling shows that the sitter is not serious about his or her role, and could be wasting your time and effort. In case of an emergency, it’s important to have a backup sitter in mind or a friend you can trust. But, if they keep cancelling on you repeatedly, that shows them not being serious about their role.

10. They are regularly on their phone while with the kids

It’s difficult to imagine a world without phones. Your babysitter shouldn’t be on their phone while they are with your child. It’s a sign of inattention if they are constantly on social media or checking their emails, while your child is awake.

It’s fine for a babysitter to have their phone close by in case of an emergency, but their main focus should be your child. If they are constantly texting or on social media, it could be a sign that they are not giving your child the attention and care they deserve.

Mother and Babysitter have Conflict
Mother and Babysitter have a Conflict

11. Your child shows signs of anxiety or avoidance

Children are very perceptive, and they will often tell you when something is wrong. Take your child’s feelings seriously if they begin to show signs such as anxiety or avoidance around a specific sitter. This could mean that your child is uncomfortable with the sitter, or that there is something else that’s going on.

Ask your child what they think about the babysitter. But create a space where they feel comfortable speaking openly, without feeling as if they are betraying you. It’s important to rethink the arrangement if your child is consistently anxious or withdraws before or after the babysitter arrives.

12. They don’t make an effort to get to know your child

A good babysitter will make an effort to get to know your child. It can seem like they are just doing the bare minimum if they constantly change families and never take the time to get to know you as a person. A good sitter will remember the favourite foods, hobbies and interests of your child. They will show interest in your child’s interests and interact with them in a meaningful way.

It could be a sign of a lacklustre attitude if your babysitter appears indifferent or distant. A professional babysitter will establish a rapport with your child, and take the time to learn about their needs and preferences.

Trust your instincts and protect your child Hiring babysitters is a major decision. Your child’s well-being and safety should be the top priority. It’s normal to trust people. However, you should be vigilant and watch for signs of a mismatch. Communicate openly and honestly with your babysitter so that your child’s requirements are met.

You can find the perfect sitter for your child by being aware of these red flags and addressing concerns as soon as possible.


It is important to hire the right babysitter for your child to ensure their safety, happiness and well-being while you are away. It’s only natural for parents to want to have confidence in the person they’ve selected to take care of their child. However, that trust must be earned by doing and not just saying certain things. Even after the first interview and a few days of babysitting, it’s important to remain vigilant and observant. You can avoid problems by paying attention to red flags.

It’s important to remember that it’s more than just finding someone “good enough”. You want someone who shares your parenting values and respects your rules. They should also care about your child. A successful babysitting agreement is based on open communication, clear expectations and a sincere approach. Trust your instincts if you feel uncertain or uncomfortable in a situation. Make adjustments as necessary.

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