Must watch: Amazing c-section breech birth video captures bottom-first birth

Posted in Birth.

This unforgettable, adorable little bottom slowly entering the world shows the miracle of a gentle c-section breech birth.

Content warning: Graphic birth footage

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Una de las causas habituales para realizar una cesárea programada es la posición (presentación) podalica (sentado o de nalgas) que es cuando el bebe está colocado con los pies hacia abajo. Es una posición que, sin duda, presenta mayores problemas para el nacimiento vaginal, pero, sin embargo, no lo imposibilita. Podemos ver el video de un nacimiento respetuoso y cuidadoso, con maniobras obstetricas descritas, en el que se permite, con una vigilancia que garantice la seguridad del bebe y de la madre, que el niño ? nazca en una (presentación) posición podalica, pudiendo inmediatamente después del nacimiento, estar con su madre. Con paciencia, escuchando la música que los papás eligen para este momento, el padre y su doula apoyando a la madre en todo el proceso, pinzamiento tardío de cordón umbilical, apego precoz, en unión medico paciente logrando de esta manera un #nacimientorespetado #clinicalugo #cenfer #bebe #bebecenfer #baby #ginecologo #embarazo #embarazada #familia #medicina #medico #doctor #obstetra #vida #nacer #nacimiento #maracay @empoweredbirthproject @ceudeborboletas @stagesofpregnancy @metodocanguro @medspiration @mymobiledoc @jamea_mamae_iran @obstetrical_science @dr.berna.hp @babyzofsweden @doularinarebolledo @healthy.pregnancy #domingo #sunday @infertilluegomama @cuasimedico @medico_del_futuro @medicoblastos @medicina.uag @medicoscuriosos @thebirthhour @kw.womenshealth @medicoquirurgico @homesweethomebirth @mamiacolor

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Gently does it

An amazing clip of a “gentle” bottom-first c-section is going viral for good reason, capturing a very rarely seen miracle moment in gorgeous-yet-heart-stopping style.

This birth was assisted by a doula and the bub’s dad, with a focus on keeping things as gentle as possible, despite the surgical intervention.

While a breech birth has its challenges, this team worked to ensure this baby was delivered as slowly and lovingly as possible.

The birth was carefully planned and aimed to avoid the speedy, efficient approach of many c-section procedures. Instead, they played music, calmed things down, eased the baby into the world, delayed the clamping of the cord and ensured mother and baby were united immediately, post-delivery.

Planned gentle c-section

While our Spanish is a little rusty, Google Translate (roughly, always roughly!) translates the update as:

“One of the usual causes for a planned cesarean section is the position (presentation) podalica (sitting or buttocks) that is when the baby is placed with the feet down. It is a position that undoubtedly presents major problems for vaginal birth, but nevertheless, it does not prevent it.
We can see the video of a respectful and careful birth, with described obstetrical manoeuvres, in which it is allowed, with a surveillance that guarantees the safety of the baby and the mother, that the child is born in a (podalic) position, Immediately after birth, to be with his mother. With patience, listening to the music that the parents choose for this moment, the father and his doula supporting the mother in the whole process, delayed clamping of umbilical cord, early attachment, in a patient medical union.”

What a privilege to catch an intimate glimpse into this family’s special moment.


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